The Deck From Heck v2 1

Title: The Deck From Heck v2 1
Author: Joe "arebelspy" Olson
Date: May 5, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (7) Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Endor Chief Chirpa’s Hut Farm Hoth Echo Command Center (War Room) Rendezvous Point Swamp Yavin 4 Massassi Throne Room

Characters (18) 8D8 x3 Artoo x3 Leia With Blaster Rifle x2 Luke With Lightsaber x3 Obi-Wan With Lightsaber x3 Orrimaarko R2-X2 (Artoo-Extoo) R5-M2 (Arfive-Emmtoo) Tawss Khaa

Creatures (2) Nudj x2

Starships (7) Gold Leader In Gold 1 Gold Squadron Y-wing Lando In Millennium Falcon Red Leader In Red 1 Red Squadron X-wing Spiral Tantive IV

Interrupts (9) Careful Planning Effective Repairs Endor Celebration The Signal x3 Transmission Terminated x3

Effects (17) Anger, Fear, Aggression x2 Bacta Tank x2 Battle Plan Demotion Do, Or Do Not Draw Their Fire Never Tell Me The Odds x4 Traffic Control Wars Not Make One Great What’re You Tryin’ To Push On Us? x2 Wise Advice ‘

Strategy: ‘

Oops. Forgot to add Tibrin (battle ground for battle plan, plus grabs #s back). I’d dump a signal, but thats because this area has so much HuntDown. If that is not popular in your area, dump a trans. term.

BTW no one plays resistance (at least in this area), and when I have faced resistance, I won anyway. Mains occupy BGs all the time, and to the idiot who thought I couldn’t occupy a BG unless I get my Tibrin I start w/ a BG. Move a Nudj from his site, stick Tawss Khaa down, #s total is still 13, and I occupy a BGfor resistance.

This deck is SOLID. It covers all fronts, and is teched out to kick ass

I got a lot of feedback on my last version of this deck, so I modified it to include the feedback. It was pretty unanamous that I needed some grabbers, and a few said add more ships. I also added demotion (stick on Navy Trooper Vesden…booyah)

Fairly easy to use. Get #s and AFAs running, throw down an epp, battle free, retrieve 1, they lose 1, hit 1 of their guys, take out another w/ attrition, lose EPP to tank (to keep #s total up). Rinse and repeat. All the Comments I got on the last version were implemented, so you all should like this version.

-Joe ‘