THE Tessek Deck

Title: THE Tessek Deck
Author: Lewis "Duke Devil" Blake
Date: May 5, 2000 Rating: 4.0



’ STARTING(4) Careful Planning Tatooine Audiance Chamber Farm Desert

LOCATIONS(4) Rendezvous Point Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Tatooine Mos Eisely Tatooine Jabba’s Palace

CHARACTERS(22) Obi-Wan Kenobi Ben Kenobi Master Luke Luke With Saber Boushh Tessek x2 BoShek Rennek B’omarr Monk Arleil Schous Talz x3 Elom x7 Artoo

VEHICLES(2) Skiff x2

INTERRUPTS(17) Sense Alter Transmission Terminated Courage of a Skywalker It Could Be Worse Ke Chu Ke Kukuta? Rebel Barrier You Will Take Me to Jabba Now WHAAAAAAAAOOOOW Suprise Assault x2 The Signal x3 Nar Shadda Wind Chimes x3

EFFECTS(10) Insurrection Projection of a Skywalker Scramble Uh-oh Bo Shuda x2 A Gift Barginning Table Ultimatum Traffic Control

WEAPONS(1) Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber ‘

Strategy: ‘

OK, just to clear things up, the original idea for this deck was mine, and Tarkinsaide made some nice improvements(not all of which I used, so this is NOT a repost) and I decided to put up my own modified version. We worked on this deck together, it was a team effort.

On to the Strategy

Obviously I want to get out Uh-oh, Tessek, and the non-unique aliens. The basis of this deck is draining. There are 3 signals to help get out the important effects. Rebel Barrier and Ke Chu Ke Kukuta help block enemy deployment. Activation is not a problem, as Tessek and Arleil reduce non-unique deploy cost. All sites except the desert are either 2-1 or 2-0 Rendezvous point and Yoda’s Hut are in for activation that does not allow their drains Possibly this deck’s greatest asset is the destiny. The destiny average is a little over three, and when you take out 3 starting sites and nothing else at the beginning, it goes up more. 30 cards (yes I said 30 T-H-I-R-T-Y)have destinies of 4 or more, and several more have 3’s. This is especially fun with suprise assault hehe) Bo Shuda protects Tessek while at the AC, Rennek is Bubo protection) Scramble keeps pilot ability (for them) out of battles No starships in this deck because they take up much needed room and are unesessary. Barginning table cancels drains Traffic control recycles high destinies Most interrupts are used, so the destiny is recycled I don’t need Yarna b/c the non uniques get out pretty fast for the most part. I only have one Ke Chu b/c there is a chance I won’t be able to use it if I have a rebel at a JP site

Against Hunt Down the sabers the high destinies Trans Terminated Courage of a skywalker beatdown with eloms Talz goes for hit characters Boushh can get on Executor

Against Ralttiir ops OK this can be hard. This is a drain race. Getting Tessek and Non-uniques out is critical. Small elom and main beatdowns against those non unique imps at the beginning can be fun, helps prevent flipping too This is where suprise assault is fun - you don’t even have to battle

Against Court A Gift Bo Shuda, Uh-oh, Tessek, and Rennek Master Luke WHAAAAAAAAOOOOW is so funny to use if they tried to eat you

Against Inserts/odds Ultimatum Eloms have high destinies So does Artoo

Against CC Drain race main beatdowns I don’t really worry about it that much, these decks never have posed a threat ot me, I have never been beaten by one.

OTHER POINTS Sense and alter- enough to be a pain to opponent, not enough to win a war Skiffs react Nar Shadda retrieves Nar Shadda, YWTMTJN and Arleil all help get out aliens Insurrection to prevent Elis beatdowns

That’s ‘bout it folks, plz rate honestly because I have a tourney tommorow ‘