Hidden Base Squadrons

Title: Hidden Base Squadrons
Author: Ryan "Cradossk" Mathison
Date: May 5, 2000 Rating: 3.5



’ Objectives (1) Hidden Base

Locations (10) Yavin 4 x2(hidden base) Rendezvous point (starting) Kessel Coruscant Hoth Endor Tibrin Kiffex Jungle

Interrupts (16) Organized attack x3 Hyper escape x2 Rebel barrier x2 The signal x3 (SI) transmission terminated x2 Tunnel Vision x2 All wings report in x2

Starships (16) X-wings x6 Red squadron x-wings x2 X-wing sqaudrons x3 Lando in Falcon Spiral Mon Calamar cruiser x2 Red leader in Red 1

Effects (9) Docking & Repair facility Wise advice (SE) Do or Do not Bacta tank Order to engage Haven What’re you trying to push Kessel Run Rebel Fleet

Characters (8) Han w/blaster Dutch Luke skywalker Boush Obi wan w/saber Wedge Antilles Boshek ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck always sets up fast, I don;t want to flip the objective until i have a strangle hold on space. Which is pretty easy with all the X-wings, I try to get out ‘Bacta tank’ ‘order to engage’ ‘Rebel Fleet’ and ‘Doc&repair facility’ before i flip i then spread out and drain - I can spread out pretty thin with the hyper e escapes and rebel barriers. I set up heavy on Yavin 4 the mon cal’s with Haven can be deadly. The few pilots i have are low deploy and high forfeit. The mains are just to deploy on the ground and mess things up, after that throw them in the bacta tank. I really enjoy this deck I can go up against any deck no problem - raltir ops presents some problems but i usually dominate them in space. Sec precautions isn’t that big a deal I usually wipe out anyone in space prior to them being able to probe (the 3 X-wing assualt sqauds+organized attack+Doc&repair facility ‘