Matt s Old-Skool Hunt Down

Title: Matt s Old-Skool Hunt Down
Author: Matt "Old Skooler" Lush
Date: May 7, 2000 Rating: 4.0




ExecutorMed. Chamber ExecutorHolotheatre Coruscant EndorForest Clearing TatooineJabba’s Palace TatooineCantina TatooineLar’s Moisture Farm JPAudience Chamber Hoth3rd Marker

Darth Vader x4 DLOTS Shiny Grand Moff Tarkin x2 Mara Jade x2 Jabba the Hutt Shiny Djas Puhr Bane Malar ECC Iggy Brangus ECC 4-LOM U-3PO Shiny

Vader’s Saber x2 1 Shiny Mara’s Saber

Visage Shiny Resistance Secret Plans Bad Feeling Have I Security Precautions


Executor Boba in Slave 1 Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Sense x5 Alter x4 Elis x2 Monnok x2 Moment of Triumph x2 Twi’lek Advisor x2 Unexpected Interruption Ghhk Evader You Are Beaten Oota-Goota Solo?

Strategy: ‘

If it wins now ‘cause I deleted all the bad reviews, don’t worry, I’ll ask Neal to not count this deck in the running. I’m just having fun. Repeat THIS DECK WILL NOT COUNT FOR THIS MONTHS “DECK OF THE MONTH”. Thank you.

I know it’s about as original as an Elvis impersonator, but hey, I’ve been running Hunt Down since SE came out. It’s my favorite type of deck, and it works for me. The main reason I posted this is because I figured someone might be interested in a consistently strong deck in Texas. (perhaps another Texan?) I dropped Crush and one Evader from this deck, as I gave my YAAJ deck to a friend and he crushed this deck with it, even with crush and 2 evaders. I figured if I faced Revo I’d just roll over and die, so I said screw it. What this deck took down in the GS and State champs Bothuwai Operatives, X-wing swarm, Yavin Mains w/ 2 Revos, Hidden Base/X-Wings, Yavin Throne jump w/ no Revo just twix sites, and Yavin Throne Jump Inserts. This deck is defensive in nature, except Vader/Tarkin. It fits my style perfectly, but just like every other player out there, I’m unique. This may not work for you. If you want to run this, try it out card for card, then make the modifications that suit you. Your meta and playing style will more than likely dictate that you make a decent amount of changes. To sum up, this deck works for me, in Dantooine. Enjoy.

Screw dueling, too risky. S/A is universal, cancels everything, and I’ll still draw a 1 when it’s flipped. Moment for all the aliens, they can hang on their own. Beatdown, Ghhk. See what they start before you twi’lek, then get what you need. What most people don’t understand about this deck is that IT’S NOT ALWAYS ABOUT THE BATTLES. If I can’t overpower you, I’ll Elis somewhere else and drain for 2 or 3 and play runaway while U-3PO blocks your biggest drain. Vader/Tarkin obviously the main fighting force, other aliens are for draining, and if they get attacked MOT is a nasty surprise. Yeah, I’ll trade Bane for an Obi any game of the week. Any questions, drop a line. ‘