Hunt Down with Docking Bays

Title: Hunt Down with Docking Bays
Author: Adam "Vincent Vega" Beauchamp
Date: May 8, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective - 1 Hunt Down and Destroy the Jedi

Locations - 8 Executor Meditation Chamber Executor Holotheater Executor Docking Bay Coruscant Coruscant Docking Bay Death Star Death Star Docking Bay Cloud City Docking Bay

Characters - 12 Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith x3 Darth Vader x2 Darth Vader with Lightsaber Mara Jade, TEH x3 Gran Moff Tarkin x2 IG-88 with Gun

Starships - 4 Dreadnaught Boba Fett in Slave 1 Bossk in Hound’s Tooth Zuckus in Mist Hunter

Effects - 14 Imperial Arrest Order Blaster Rack Blast Door Control The Dark Path Crush The Rebellion Come Here You Big Coward Resistance Security Precautions Search and Destroy There’ll Be Hell to Pay

Interupts - 17 Twi’lek Advisor x4 Masterful Move x2 Monnok Evader x3 Shut Him Up or Shut Him Down The Circle is Now Complete Vader’s Obsession Focused Attack Unexpected Interuption x2 Dark Strike

Epic Events - 1 Epic Duel

Weapons - 3 Mara Jade’s Lightsaber Vader’s Lightsaber ‘

Strategy: ‘

The other 4 effects are Visage of the Emperor x4 and there are supposed to be 2 Vader’s Saber. Sorry

Start Imperial Arrest Order vs. most all decks. If they start Throne Room stuff you might want to start Crush firts, but it’s not always necessary. Go get the executor docing bay first, then one of the two battle ground docking bays. If they started Goo Nee Tay you might want to get the coruscant docking bay too for extra force. If they do not have a Luke or Obi out just put Vader at the Battleground Docking Bay to flip, and then walk back to the Executor and wait for them to react. Throne Room pretty much has to come to you because they only play 1-2 batllegrounds. The Blaster Rack is so all 3 mara’s can use her lightsaber, and it’s pretty good with Vaders saber too. I play 3 evaders because they are pretty good for recycling vader’s but I will probably drop to 2, and Revolution can always hurt. I try to get the Dark Path out pretty fast too, as it helps take out a bunch of guys with just Vader or Mara with Saber. I just recently made this so I’m sure it is missing some important cards, so if you see anything it needs let me know. Thanks. ‘