Dirty Sanchez

Title: Dirty Sanchez
Author: TJ "Techmaster" Holman
Date: May 9, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations(7) Audience Chamber Dungeon Great Pit Of Carkoon Security Tower Executor Docking Bay Coruscant Docking Bay Yavin Docking Bay

Chracters(14) 2x Darth Vader 2X DLOTS 2x Grand Moff Tarkin Jabba The Hutt Zuckuss Dengar with gun 4 lom with gun Danz Borin Officer Evax Admiral Ozzel Commander Igar Lieutanent Cabbel U 3po

Ships(3) Boba Fett in Bossk in Zuckuss in

Vehicles(3) Blizzard 2 Blizzard Walker Tempest 1

Weapons(2) Vaders Saber

Interrupts(23) 2x Materful Move 2x Torture 2x Omni Box 2x Shocking Revelation 3x You Are Beaten 2x Sense 2x Alter Elis Helrot Any Methods Necesary 2x Imperial Supply Ghhhk 2x Trample Main Course

Effects(5) 2x Presence of the force Security Precautions Search and Destroy Ability, ability, ability

Court of The Vile Gangsta ‘

Strategy: ‘

Start with methods and pull zuck, his ship and the tower. Turn one set up your activation by pulling a docking bay and dropping the tower and pulling jabba. Set your @#$% up with presence for increased force loss and activation and dont let em come ton one of the only TWO tatooine sites they can occupy. Let a walker or two sit in the great pit and vader, saber, tarkin, jabba, boelo and you are beaten hang in the chamber. your loss will be so much you can just ignore them. ‘