Death Star Deck

Title: Death Star Deck
Author: Steven "brentson" Brentson
Date: May 9, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Location (12) Death Star Coruscant Kiffex Kashyyyk Executor Meditation Chamber Dagobah Cave Hoth Defensive Perimeter Hoth Ice Plains Hoth Wampa Cave Endor Back Door Endor Imperial Holotable

Ships (7) 2x Executor Dreadnaught Death Squadron Star Destroyer Bossk in Hound’s Tooth Boba Fett In Slave I Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Vehicles (4) Tempest Scout 1 Blizzard 2 Tempest 1 Blizzard Walker ()

Characters (13) Darth Vader With Lightsaber Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith Grand Moff Tarkin Commander Igar General Veers Officer Evax Lieutenant Arnet Admiral Ozzel DS-61-2 Lieutenant Cabbel DS-61-3 Major Marquand Lieutenant Watts

Creatures (1) Bubo

Effects (13) 2x There’ll Be Hell to Pay() Lateral Damage Imperial Arrest Order Imperial Decree Security Precautions Battle Order Resistance Come Here you Big Coward Reactor Terminal First Strike Oppressive Enforcement Crush the Rebellion

Interrupts (10) 2x Twi’lek Advisor 2x Masterful Move 2x Monnok Evader Imperial Barrier Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us I Have You Now ‘

Strategy: ‘

Listen up, knuckle heads. I post this deck for the little people out there who ask (occasionally, though it is) for a list of cards I put in my winning decks. Here’s one. Guess what? It probably looks very similar to the decks you play with. I’ve got locations, characters, starships, interrupts, effects. I make them work for me. Try playing more than one game a week with your 4 year old sister and you might find your skills will improve to the point that the cards included in this deck make sense. Try playing games back. Same decks, same players. If your excuse is that you can’t see how you can possibly beat an (insert deck x) deck with an (insert deck y) deck, then change your goddam deck and play it up. What can you do to beat deck x? Think of something and put it in Then play it again. THAT’S HOW THIS DECK WAS MADE.

Then once you’re finished creating the ultimate deck, make something to beat it and start all over again.

All you crybabies out there who think you’re gowd’s gift to star wars with a 1450 rating, send your 1/2 star reveiw someplace else.

Death Star is based losely on a deck first given to me by Brian Fred. ‘