Hidden away in the Clouds

Title: Hidden away in the Clouds
Author: Daniel "Shadow865" Blackford
Date: Sep 28, 1999 Rating: 4.5



‘Obj(1) Hidden Base

Locations(12) R. Point Bespin x2 Dagobah Yoda’s Hut CCLower Corridor x2 CCCarbonite Chamber x2 Guest Quarters North Corridor Downtown Plaza

Characters(15) EPP Luke x2 EPP Han x2 EPP Leia Obi-Wan x2 Pucimer x2 Wedge Orrimarko Romas Navander Bothan Spy x3

Ships(12) Red Sqd X x3 X-Wing x5 Tantive IV RLR1 GLG1 Falcon

Weapons(2) Obis Saber Anakins Saber

Effects(5) Wise Advice Push on Us Cloud City Celebration x2 Battle Order

Interrupts(13) Shocking Info x2 Organized Attack x4 The Signal x3 Nabrun x2 Glancing Blow x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

1st turn grab Dagobah and the Hut for activation of AT LEAST 7 by the second turn. Pull out bespin, drop sites as you draw them then drain en mass with Pucimer and sabers. There is major beatdown power in the deck. Against Ops start Battle Order against everything else start wise advice. Against Hunt Down youve got Glancing Blows and Bothan Spies you can out drain ops and battle order will slow them. Against ISB battle them to death and retrieve retrieve retrieve with CCC. This deck just keeps regenrating and you shouldnt have any problems holding Bespin with all the x-wing power and the organized attacks.’