Deal With This

Title: Deal With This
Author: Chris "Lt. Cabbage" Moore
Date: May 13, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective (1) This Deal Is Getting Worse All The Time/Pray I Don’t Alter It Any Further

Locations (10) Cloud City West Gallery (Start) Bespin Cloud City Cloud City Chasm Walkway Cloud City Carbonite Chamber Cloud City Dining Room Cloud City Upper Plaza Corridor Cloud City East Platform (Docking Bay) Raithal x2

Characters (17) Stormtrooper Cadet x3 Elite Squadron Stromtrooper x3 Navy Trooper x5 Sergeant Major Bursk Sergeant Narthax Sergeant Wallen Sergeant Tarl Corporal Drazin Darth Vader with Lightsaber

Starships (7) Dreadnought OS-71-1 in Obsidian 1 OS-71-2 in Obsidian 2 Obsidian 7 Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Boba Fett in Slave 1 Bossk in Hounds Tooth

Interrupts (12) Trooper Assault x4 Boring Conversation Anyway Stunning Leader Imperial Barrier x2 Twilek Advisor x2 Ghhhk Tactical Support

Effects (13) Secret Plans (Start) Imperial Arrest Order (Start) 3,720 to 1 x3 Ability, Ability, Ability Battle Order Strategic Reserves There is No Try Oppresive Enforcement There’ll be Hell to Pay Dark Deal Cloud City Occupation ‘

Strategy: ‘

RESPONSE TO REVIEWS Guys, I don’t want to add harder characters. Read the strategy. You are not supposed to be charging into fights and adding bounty hunters will ruin the numbers. I’ve got a Vader for the odd beatdown, but once the LS mains are down on the table, they are no threat. Besides, troopers aren’t bad at fighting anyway. I don’t really need another Dark Deal, because if the LS spreads out to cancel one, then I’ll barrier someone and next turn the troopers will beat the snot out of them.

STRATEGY Start with the West Gallery, Secret Plans and Arrest Order. Use Battle Order instead of Arrest Order against Ops.

This deck is very versatile. Not only is there Dark Deal and Occupation to do damage, but a lethal numbers element and Ability, Ability, Ability to cause late-game damage.

The first few turns are usually the same. Pull out the Docking Bay with Arrest Order and pull the stuff from the Objective. By turn 2 or three you should be able to flip the Objective. However, don’t rush out and do so without adequate defences (e.g Barriers or Stunning Leader) if a beatdown is likely. But remember that +4 power bonus from Dark Deal (a lone Navy Trooper is power 7 on the defensive, without Trooper assault). If the LS gets a big group of mains together on Cloud City, then leave them alone. Get Occupation and the inserts going. Remember the if you control Raithal, then the troopers are all destiny 5. Don’t risk losing control of Bespin just to control Raithal, though. Destiny 3 or 4 troopers will do plenty of numbers damage anyway.

Spread out against Ops and harass them on their planet. If a few LS characters try to stop your drains, then obviously beat the crap out of them. This is perhaps the best feature of this deck- the ability to switch from defensive to offensive very quickly.

Card choices The locations are deliberately all interior (except the d/bay). This means that Stunning Leader can be used at all of them, and Speeders can only get to the docking bay (but you don’t start Arrest Order against Ops anyway, so who cares?)

I’ve used a mix of troopers, chiefly to avoid Grimtaash damage. The non-uniques are for using with Strategic Reserves. I didn’t use Cloud City troopers because they stop you going off of Cloud City, and Navy Troopers are pretty much as good anyway (power 3 on the defensive and good against Ops). The unique troopers provide much-needed extra ability. They are all basically 2/2. The most important feature of all the troopers is that they are destiny 3 (4 or 5 with Raithal out). Finally, Vader is there for making suicide beatdowns (or non-suicide when the numbers run out).

The other cards should seem straightforward. Boring Conversation stops the dreaded Surprise Assault. Ability, Ability, Ability is devastating against mains decks, especially Jedi Testing ones (no need for Failure At The Cave). Use it once a few mains are out and the LS will be hard pressed to keep deploying people. The other function of this card is to force the LS to keep activating, so helping the numbers pop up. Finally, the ship complement is quite light as LS space isn’t that common at the moment. You could always make room for an extra ship or Tallon Roll if you wanted. I haven’t used Dengar in Punishing One because I preferred the cheap deploy of Obsidian 7, making the deck work more quickly.

In summary, concentrate on the aspect of the deck most likely to harm the opponent. Don’t charge into space against Hidden Base decks (use the inserts). There are a lot of elements for the LS to deal with here. ‘