Raltiir Biker Inserts

Title: Raltiir Biker Inserts
Author: Michael "MadSkills84" Pistone
Date: May 14, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (10) Death Star Executor Meditation Chamber Forest Hoth Ice Plains Hoth Wampa Cave Jungle Raithal x2 Raltiir (Starting) Swamp

Characters (11) Biker Scout Trooper x10 Darth Vader With Lightsaber

Starships (4) Boba Fett in Slave 1 Bossk in Hound’s Tooth Dengar in Punishing One Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Vehicles (6) Speeder Bike x6

Interrupts (13) Abyssin Ornament x2 Evader x2 Monnok x2 Tactical Support x2 Twi’lek Advisor x2 (Starting) Voyeur x3

Effects (14) 3,720 To 1 x5 Bad Feeling Have I (Starting) Battle Order Broken Concentration Come Here You Big Coward I Had No Choice Imperial Arrest Order Lateral Damage Reactor Terminal Security Precautions

Creatures (1) Bubo

Objective Raltiir Operations/In The Hands Of The Empire ‘

Strategy: ‘

You start like any basic Ral/Ops deck. You always start Bad Feeling Have I even against Hidden Base, because when you flip your objective, you can always pull the security precautions. If you don’t start with Bad Feeling Have I the card loses half of it’s power, it’s only really good in the beginning game, because when combined with the objective, it makes their characters deploy +4 to your generic sites.

Now you want to get your sites out as quickly as possible and then put biker scouts and bikes down at each for a quick flip. This deck does have a possible first turn flip, which has happened to me, and if you can pull it off, it can help ensure an easy victory. Now instead of using the spaceport sites, I decided to use the other ones, for I feel they are more powerful.

Once you flip, you should pull Raithal from your reserve deck if you don’t have it already. THIS CARD IS CRUCIAL TO THE DECK. Just having it out brings the destinies of the troopers to 4. It also makes Tactical Support a Used Interrupt. Now, if you control the planet Raithal, your troopers are destiny 5’s

After Raithal is out, insert even if you don’t control it. Having them lose to them being 4’s is better than not having them lose any at all. Most likely it won’t hit the top right away and you can pull a starship from reserve using the text anyways. When it hits the top, if Never Tell Me The Odds is played, you can just use the text of Voyeur to make sure they don’t do it again. There are 5 inserts in this deck, it doesn’t matter if the cancel one.

On to specific cards in the deck that aren’t focused on the numbers strategy. You may wonder why I have the EPP Vader in there. The reason is I use him as a suicide epp. I know I will lose him in the battle, but I put him in their for his weapon draws. It pays off having one in there, because I ended up using him to kill of a Han in a Profit deck, ending their draining and force loss. It helped tremendously.

I put the twix sites in for more activation plain and simple, for against a throne room deck.

The four bounty hunter ships are awesome and guarantee that I can keep Raithal.

Also, after you have 3 biker scouts out, keep putting more out if you’ve got them. You can use Abyssin Ornament for a nice retrieval towards the end of the game, and if you retrieve a few of your inserts it makes it like you have even more of them in the deck.

Evader is in here for against a Throne Room deck. Bubo is also in here to eat Nudj’s.

Monnok is in here because it is really a great card. Nothing kills an opponent faster than if you take 2 or 3 ben’s out of their hand.

Battle Order is in here for the late game when the opponent is low on force. Broken Concentration is in here because I just love the card and using my excess force to take theirs away. Come Here You Big Coward is just simple defense against non battle ground force drain sites. I Had No Choice and Lateral Damage are defense against SuperFalcon. Imperal Arrest Order is great in case the opponent tries to get cute and mess with your scouts.

Reactor Terminal is there to save your *** if you get bad card drawing and have a hand of like 40, it’s also there for late game for when you dump your hand into reserve to increase the differential.

Finally Security Precautions is in there for the extra icon and Hidden Base protection.

Well that’s it. Please let me know what you think. Thank You. ‘