little hunter s CCT that actually works

Title: little hunter s CCT that actually works
Author: Eric "bounty22" Hunter
Date: May 14, 2000 Rating: 4.0



’ (10) Cloud City Carbonite Chamber Cloud City East Platform (Docking Bay) Cloud City Port Town District Cloud City Security Tower Dagobah Cave Death Star Death Star War Room Hoth Ice Plains Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Tatooine Docking Bay 94

(18) 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle x2 Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle Dengar with Blaster Carbine x2 Dr. Evazan x2 IG-88 With Riot Gun x2 Jabba the Hutt x2 Jodo Kast Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x4 Tonnika Sisters Trooper Jerrol Blendin

(5) Boba Fett in Slave I Bossk In Hounds Tooth x2 Zuckuss in Mist Hunter x2

(13) Jabba’s Through With You x2 Scanning Crew x5 Torture x2 Twi’lek Advisor x2 You Are Beaten x2

(10) All Too Easy x2 Battle Order Oppressive Enforcement Presence Of The Force Scum And Villainy x2 Security Precautions There’ll Be Hell To Pay x2

(3) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber x2 Carbonite Chamber Console

(1) Carbon Chamber Testing/My Favorite Decoration ‘

Strategy: ‘

note normal start is opresive enforcement

here’s the low down folks. you get mara to the carbon freezing chamber. you then procede to drain there untill they come to face you. at that point you hit them with mara and then all to easy for a easy freeze. or if they don’t they take a drain of 2(or 3 if you have presence on it). also scanning crew keep destiny adders from happening and to make sure that a beatdown won’t occour.

against specific decks.

against profit- abandon strategy and just conver their ac. also start with mara and boba, pull jabba. move mara over to drain while you build up in the ac. scanning crew and your bh will hold thme off for the win.

against hb- normal start. do your thing and when you scanning crew, see what they are playing. if just space, spread out and drain. if it’s fake hb hold onto the ac and carbon freezing chamber. otherwise twi’lek for a security percautions and probe. this will be won.

against tr mains- do the normal start and stick to the plan. if this is really big in your area put in a couple more scanning crews. there not much you can do against this other than out play them. your bounty hunters are just as strong if not stronger then their mains.

against ops- start with batle order and atack atack atack. if they play a non-batle ground system, use presence on it. with s&v out you can win.

against insert- normal game plan. normal start. drain and drain. if this is big put in another torture.

what else is their? just remember this deck is meted for this area. when you review this change like 5 cards to help against your current area. tell me the changes and review this deck. this way i’ll get a hoest review of the deck idea, not a bad review cause i forgot something that’s big in your area. well tell me what you think. later ‘