A Reason To Fear DS Numbers

Title: A Reason To Fear DS Numbers
Author: Justin "hoostino" Warren
Date: May 14, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective Raltiir Operations/In The Hands Of The Empire

Locations (10) Raltiir Swamp Forest Jungle Desert Death Star Coruscant Raithal Kashyyk Endor

Characters (12) Biker Scout Trooper (10x) Lobel EPP Vader

Starships (8) Boba Fett In Slave 1 Zuckuss In Mist Hunter Dengar In Punishing One Bossk In Bus Executor Devastator Avenger DSSD

Creatures (4) Sleen (4x)

Interrupts (13) TwiLek Advisor (3x) Abyssin Ornament (2x) Ghhhk (2x) Evader (2x) Point Man Masterful Move Overwhelmed Those Rebels Wont Escape Us

Effects (12) 3,720 To 1 (6x) Strategic Reserves Battle Order Lateral Damage A Bright Center To The Universe Crush The Rebellion Security Precautions ‘

Strategy: ‘


Before you rate this, please read the strategy. This deck is full of tech. This deck is rather complicated and takes some getting used to. Nevertheless, it wipes the floor with most M&T decks, as many players don’t run defense for DS Odds these days. A friend of mine, Eric Berger played something similar to this at the Texas States, and went undefeated. He told me about the general strategy, and I just had to build it. Thanks Eric. All credit must go to you.

HOW IT WORKS Start with whatever effect you deem necessary at the start. Against HB, pull out Sec. Precautions, etc. Use the Raltiir Ops text and go get the Swamp first turn and use the Swamp’s text to grab a Sleen and draw. Next turn, do the same. Now you can start deploying Bikers and maybe an insert. Third turn, go grab another site and Sleen and flip the objective. A third turn flip is usually too fast for the opponent to react to. If you are expecting a Nabrun beatdown, use Abyssin Ornament or the flip side text to go get the Lobel. With the Lobel at the center site, the opponent will never touch you with Nabrun. Now, you go get Raithal if you don’t have it already and deploy a ship there. *Raithal, if you did not know, makes your troopers destiny +1, +2 if you control. Your Bikers are each destiny 5 and the Lobel is 3, so you have a total of 13 for your inserts. Against a typical M&T with no numbers defense, you will be hitting them for 10 cards an insert, while their drains are -1 and you are draining in space to boot. The game won’t last long if you get this set up. Now, the only way the LS has a chance to get to Raltiir is by shuttling characters down. But no worry, there is plenty of tech to counter this. The opponent drops the Super Falcon to Raithal and suspends your text. Never fear, here is a killer combo that will dig you out of this scenario Lateral Damage + Overwhelmed. Damage the Falcon, drop any ship on top of it, and play Overwhelmed, sending the Falcon back to the used pile like its Elian Gonzalez. Plus, there are other ways to kill the Falcon, like Dengar In P1. Set up some good drains in space while the inserts do their work and you should be in good shape. With the almost perpetual flip, the search for any card bonus becomes extremely powerful, as you can go get exactly what you need every turn. End game, play Ornament and retrieve a nice seven cards or so. Now, there are other possibilities when playing this, like a real early Nabrun. If this happens, and you can absolutely not take the planet back over, play the run away game and keep inserting them. They will likely only get one main over to Raltiir, and you can still flip with the fourth site. If all fails somehow, abandon the planet and run to space. Keep the inserts going from up there and drain. The EPP Vader is for a surprise beat. Also, so the Evaders are not wasted if I don’t see Revo. I get Vader back with Evader, and use the Raltiir text to get Vader out again to do some more chopping. This can suck for the LS.

Vs. Ops The inserts won’t be as damaging, but you can not deploy the Lobel and keep three troopers out, giving you a total of 15 to their max of 9. And, you will reduce their drains to nothing with the -1 and Bright Center, which is sooo easy to set up when are searching for a card every turn no problem. Also, you start Battle Order, so you won’t have to experience early drains you can’t stop. Strategic Reserves stops a drain if they bother with Ithorians.

Vs. M&T Against this, it is key to get Lobel down rather quickly. With the 2 Abyssin Ornaments, you should find him quicker than a light deck will find a Nabrun, as most only run one or two. Like I said, many decks I see now don’t bother to play Ultimatum or DFTD, but they will wish they had against this.

Vs. MWYHL Inserts will hurt. They can’t beat you down. You drain in space. Nuff said.

Vs. HB This will be a tough match if they are playing Odds, but the destiny +3 or 4 will get to them real quick. And a fast probe is likely with the amount of ships. You all know what Lateral Damage can do…

The surprise value here is enormous, as your opponent will expect jsut another ROps deck. This will cost him his ass, as they won’t be able to aniticipate anything. This is a big factor. Go look at Clint Hayes’ GS winning light, he doesn’t run protection for DS numbers. Neither do many other marquee players, like Matt Lush, whom I creamed with this deck. ) Have fun, and if you can find other tech that will enhance this, please let me know. Again, I credit Eric Berger, you da man ‘