Decimation by decree

Title: Decimation by decree
Author: Chris "Jank" Jank
Date: May 14, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘DSspacenumbers3.deck - Mon May 15 005808 2000

Unknown Type 2 Clouds Coruscant Dagobah Cave Death Star Endor Fondor Hoth Kashyyyk Kessel Kiffex Yavin 4

Characters (9) Brangus Glee Danz Borin Dr. Evazan Garindan Imperial Pilot Labria M’iiyoom Onith U-3PO (Yoo-Threepio) Warrant Officer M’Kae

Starships (12) Avenger Boba Fett in Slave I Bossk In Hounds Tooth Death Star Assault Squadron Dengar In Punishing One Devastator 2 Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser 2 Executor IG-88 in IG-2000 Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Interrupts (11) 2 Alter Masterful Move 2 Monnok 2 Overwhelmed 2 Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us 2 Twi’lek Advisor

Effects (16) 3 3,720 To 1 Ability, Ability, Ability Battle Order 2 Imperial Decree Lateral Damage Oppressive Enforcement 2 Presence Of The Force Secret Plans Security Precautions There’ll Be Hell To Pay 2 Undercover ‘

Strategy: ‘

My brother plays a simliar deck to this but with more star destroyers and imperial helmsmen. I use took the advice of a couple of people and took out the helmsmen and stardestroyers for dreadnaughts. Against throne room, you should have little to no problems because all you need to do is to worry about the falcon and there are plenty of falcon stoppers in the deck. Tantive, sprial and leaders arn’t that much of a problem because of no immunity. You should be able to clear some of that mess out as well with inserts and a surprise passenger called myoom who kills all those characters that are sitting in the opponent’s hand while he’s drawing cards looking for his falcon. If he draws too many cards you just monnok him to death. Alters are in there for the many annoying effects the LS has. Trust me, you can alter in this deck despite the low ability. Just because an alter doesn’t work 100 percent of the time is no reason not to put them in the deck. They can be life savers against things like S-Foils. So this deck takes alot of finesse knowing when to play cards, when to draw up and when to battle. My brother does well with it because 1) He has used it since dagobah came out. 2) People arn’t ready for it cause they’re busy metaing against huntdown and rops. The only reason he doesn’t do better with this deck is because he does stupid things sometimes and he doesn’t track destinies. If you track your low destinies and your high destinies, you’ll know when to alter or when to battle. There is plenty to change around in this deck as it is very flexible. So please share with me what you’d tweek for your play environment. At least it’s not another rop or huntdown deck posted on this website. Using the deck myself, it only lost once getting a bad draw to a profit deck who got obi + luke + sabers out within turn 3 and I was losin 8 force a turn. Besides that though, I beat the profit deck the next time I played it and this deck has won another 6 games for me as well. So I won’t lie like some people on this website and say it’s undefeated, its merely 6-1 so far. Not to shabby.