why iam a scrub

Title: why iam a scrub
Author: Yannick "Crusher" Lapointe
Date: May 16, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘dpart4 mwyhl/syic dagobah signal battle plan

location5 dagyoda hut dagbog clearing dagtest area dagswamp dagjungle kessel

Personnage13 captain han x2 leia w baton x2 obi w baton x2 luke w baton x2 yoda orrimarko bo shek twass kha melas

vaisseaux2 falcon x2

rouge35 uncontrollable fury tunnel vision x3 shocking info x3 it could be worse x3 a few maneuver throw me another charge fall of the legend on the edge x3 anger fear agression x3 legendary star@#$%er punch it i know gift of the mentor bacta tank draw there fire order to engage grabbler x2 POAS x2 the signal x3 clash of saber x2

Test1 jedi test 1 ‘

Strategy: ‘

that a super falcon deck…train only if its necessary and train a random 4 ability character. battle with luke and obi on ground, retrieve with DTF and put it on the thank and repeat next turn, for space use super duper falcon against duel give vader a fury and go elsewhere. against insert use it could be worse against ralop fight when it necessary and drain at kessel and let the direct damage give him a headache against anything else ….win ‘