Guess What Han is still in San Fran

Title: Guess What Han is still in San Fran
Author: Charles "Teacher" Hickey
Date: May 17, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Profit 1.5.deck - Wed May 17 071431 2000

Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Rendezvous Point Spaceport Docking Bay Tatooine Docking Bay 94 Tatooine Jabba’s Palace

Ben Kenobi x2 Boussh x2 Chewbacca Han Solo Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol Master Luke x3 Orrimaarko

Alter x2 Blaster Deflection Clash Of Sabers x2 Double Agent Endor Celebration Fallen Portal x2 Gift Of The Mentor Glancing Blow Lost In The Wilderness Nabrun Leids Narrow Escape x2 Run Luke, Run Sabotage Sense x2 Shocking Information Skywalkers Smoke Screen Someone Who Loves You x2 Sorry About The Mess Surprise Assault Swing-And-A-Miss The Force Is Strong With This One The Signal Transmission Terminated x2 Weapon Levitation x2 You Will Take Me To Jabba Now

Disarmed Goo Nee Tay Mechanical Failure Meditation Order To Engage Anakin’s Lightsaber Leia’s Blaster Rifle Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber

You Can Either Profit By This… / Or Be Destroyed

Strategy: ‘

this deck has gone 4-0 at the Seattle Grand Slam, and 3-0 at Washington States. Overall, around 28-2 in tourny play.

Some card strategy first. With the two docking bays, and Jabbas Palace, I can either A. get to an operative or rallops planet, or off planet if needed, or B. Have 3 sites in a row for Fallen Portal. These site selection are also good with the Order to engage, Narrow escpae combo.

Example you battle instead of losing 3, so I crush two people, then run away. It’s legal, and lethal.

Ben Kenobi is included because he keeps free Han Alive. Very important. Master Luke with a good high destiny average, I bounce many aliens. Very nifty, especially against ops. He is just an alien Wrecking ball. Boussh the main rescuse engine if taking over the chamber fails, which doesn’t happen very often. Used with someone who loves you, Han is Released, and you have 4 reentered in your deck. Also, Someone who oves you is great for sticking a lost leia or Han into you used pile. When rescuing is complete, throw Leia’s gun on her. This is a +1 weapon, and hit targets are immediatly lost. Boussh is the best leia ever

Other character selection. I have Chewie for the added lose 1, power of 6, and good forfiet if needed,and Orimarrko for Narrow escape and added force loss.

Interupts and effects By using weapons in the deck, I’m packing weapon lev, plus I can steal some little girls sabre. I have the Clash of sabres to bust up some combo action, and cancel PotF or you are beaten.

Ahh, Fallen Portal, what a good card. This is what I think is one of two key cards to the strategy. It allows me to smash people, and creatures, and is just huge. Narrow escape is the other key card, eluded to before with Order to engage, and then running where you have presence. lose three

Blaster deflection, Keep Ben Alive I also have typical huntdown protection, and some nifty batte and search cards. Double Agent is for Mara. 35 cards destiny 3 or above.

Sabotage With an undercover Leia on say ralliter, I can topple At-St’s with ease, and that disrupts there control, giving you the advantage. It’s a used 5 as well.

Endor Celebration is a tech card with the occupation decks that are now floating around.

Effects selection Meditation is awsome with Leia and her gun (+4, immediatly lost), Order to engage is a gimme, Mechanical Failure to deal with walkers, and no disintigrations to deal with BH’s. Disarmed was a late edition to the deck, and it was played in 3 of 4 games this weekend.

Deck Matchups As I said before, this deck has gone around 28-2 for me in tourny play, and around 36-3 for me in total play.

Huntdown You’re not going to have to worry about Vader turn 1, which gives you a turn to draw, or deploy. Your destiny is good enough that you’ll hitt Vader with almost every Swing. Lost in the wilderness is good on a second turn vader. It can be game breaking. Your destiny is very high for duels, and it’s a personal toss up for glacing blow or Courage. You’re strong either way. This game is an auto win.

ISB They can’t deal with the direct damage and the character removal that this deck generates. If they’re playing walkers, you got mech failure and Leia’s Blaster. Drop a meditation, track a 4, bye bye Tempest 1 with Igar. This is a good win % game as well.

Random DS nothingness Your deck here is so tight, it’ss win.

Ominous Rumours Your deploy = maybe 5 cards on table. Your deploy is cheep. 2 characters go out for free. It’s a tough game, but you win on the fact that you have less cards to deploy, thus more to lose.

Ralliter ops This presents the toughest matchup, but the key to rallops is to make them lose force quickly. By all means, free Han when you can. The direct loss will be huge. Get Leia to ralliter, and start toppling walkers and waxing Tempest Scouts. I swear, if all goes well, she can single handedly disrupt Ralliter. A long hard fight you will have, but expierience with the deck will shine through.

TIE decks Start the early damage, spread if you got to, and just wait for that one surprise assault. It’s Game over at that point. (remeber TIE players, to retrieve for you have to deploy TIE’s. if you don’t you will lose quicker. So that is not a valid arguement)

Court Decks My activation and character removal is to much to handle. I will clear the sites with ease.

Occupation/Yavin With direct damage, and good fighting power, and the celebration, this game is yours to win.

Occupation/Tatooine.(or combat rediness) This deck is the destroyer. Pray for a decent draw, and a loss by not more that 12. ‘