oops i did it again

Title: oops i did it again
Author: brad "swccguy" eier
Date: May 21, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘start Throne room Careful planning Farm Swamp

sites Hoth war room Obi’s hut Yoda’s hut Chirpa’s hut Massassi headquarters

people EPP obi x 2 Obiwan EPP luke x 3 EPP leia x 2 Cap’n han x 2 ECC lando ECC chewie Orrimarrko Tawss khaa Harc seff Jeron webb

ships Falcon x 2 Gold leader in gold 1

claws Landing claw

nudjs nudj x 2

interrupts The signal Lost in the wilderness Swing and a miss Sorry bout the mess Gift of the mentor Nabrun Glancing blow Courage of a skywalker x 2 weapon levitation x 2 out of comission x 2 trans terminated x 2 dont forget the droids x 2 alter x 2 sense x 4

effects demotion traffic control bacta tank savrip uncontrollable fury revolution

Strategy: ‘

UPDATE***** add kessel (place for falcon to drain if they play ground), take out yavin 4 headquarter (just another place for THEM to drain if they get mara to yavin) *********

this deck is cool. it is like mosdt trm but can hold its own in space, seeing how rumors usually kicks trm’s ass.

what to do vs hd w/or wo/duel battle. use all your huntdown hate + really high destiny + tank and savrip to keep your guys alive.

rops get guys to ralltiir, battle. use webb or a revo to get mega falcon to ralltiir. sense their alters and reacts.

rumors use claw+GLIG1 to stop 1 drain, while you sit the mega falcon in front of thier other big drains. if they put any guys outside the bunker, beat them down.

everything else battle, win. simple

no manip protection because no one here plays manip

sabbacc isnt really all that good. even with a few screws you still can get some guys down to hammer them.

you could add first strike, since you will battle alot, mabey swtch it in for a dont forget droids or sumthin’. why i use lost in wilderness-can make vader or mara go missing. cool. 2x courage-you have high destiny in this deck, so its beter than 2x glancing. 2x weapon levitation-it rules. steal a saber,cancel YAB, or recycle it for a nice track-able 4.

stuff u can add cc lower corridor or carbon chsmber (place to drain on ground) draw thier fire you’ll be battling, why not retrieve force? frozen assets use w/dtf more sac if you want to tunnel vision if you feel its needed

any questions ASK BEFORE you review. if you are tired of trm then just dont review if all you’ll do is say ‘its been done, 1/2 star’. also this is an updated version of my trm deck i posted a month or 2 ago, so dont say i copied it off of someone.

btw, the name of the deck comes from a song by britney ‘franken-boobs’ spears. yeah. score.

-later ‘