Galid D-style

Title: Galid D-style
Author: Tyler ""_WRAITH_"" Alexander
Date: May 25, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting3 Cantina Jabba’s Palace Combat Readiness

Locations3 Audience Chamber Dungeon Droid Workshop

Characters 25 Darth Vader with Saber x3 Darth Vader, DLOTS Grand moff Tarkin x2 Mara Jade x2 Dr. Evasan x2 Bane Malar M’iiyoom Onith J’Quille Bossk With motar Gun Boba Fett with gun Dengar with Gun Ephant Mon Brangus Glee Jabba The Hutt Kithaba Galid x2 Dannik Jerriko Mosep Jodo Kast

Vehicles1 Blizzard 2

Weapons1 Jades Saber

Effects6 Presence of the Force x2 Disarmed x2 Bad feeling have i Reactor Terminal

Interrupts21 Imperial Barrier x5 Sniper x2 You are beaten x2 Elis Helrot x2 The Circle is now Complete Sense Alter Scuffy-looking Nerf Herder Voyeur x2 Sacrifice Twilek Advisor x3 ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck’s Strategy is simple, Get galid, mara, and presence of the force down and drain for a hole lot. You can beat down any thing that comes to tantooine very very very easily, You have 25 people. . And with all the barriers you will never get beat down.

With Sniper, Dr.e , Disarmed, circle, and You are beaten, it is really easy to beat down any force that comes to tantooine.

Heavy SA Should not be a big Problem with 2 voyeur.

You can outdrainand out beat Throne Room.

Revo Does nothing Cuz you basically start with 7 non revoable force.

Hidden Base should not be a problem, the Early Drains should Hurt them Really bad, I havent seen hidden base around here for 3 months so i wouldnt really know.

Speeder Ops is almost gone.

Mind what you have learned will only nock your drain from 9 to 6. They will be almost dead before they can get to test 5.

Profit Has no chance. When they free han with leia you beat them down with nerfherder. or you just sense SWLY. They will NOT control the AC. Lando, boush, chewie, and obi cant do any thing. Because of Circle and Ephant mon. Barrier will mess them up really bad when trying to free han.

Any comments?