Your Ordinary Basic Beat Down

Title: Your Ordinary Basic Beat Down
Author: Michael "fire451390" Regina
Date: Oct 2, 1999 Rating: 4.5




Endor Forest Clearing (sl) Endor Drak Forest (sl) Endor Back Door Tatooine Judland Wastes Tatooine Moisture Farm Tatooine tusken Canyon Coruscant Endor

Characters DVDLOTS Darth Vader Darth Vader EPP 2x Grand Daddy Tarkin 2x Igar 2x Evazan DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4 Officer Evax Zuckuss Boba Fett EPP U-3P0

Blue 3x Flare-S Racing Swoop 3x Dreadnaught Bus Tempest 1 Blizzard 2 Dune Walker

Weapons 2x Vader Beatdown Stick

Effects Secret Plans Oppresive Enforcement Battle Order Resistence Security Precautions Reactor Terminal Imperial Arrest Order

Interupts Combat Readiness (SI) 2x Twi-Lek Advisor 2x Trample 2x Monnok 2x You Are Beaten 2x Sense 2x Alter 2x The Circle Is Now Complete Masterful Move Ghhk ‘

Strategy: ‘

 This deck will get a good early start against everything.  It can hold its own against just about every popular deck out there.	MWYHL gives it trouble, but not much.  Against Ops, Battle Order and the Racing Swoops with a beat down crew on each  one will cause trouble.  Hidden Base won't last long once Security gets on the table and you have all of your ships either running or holding down a particular planet.	Against the Revo/Nudj deck you shouldn't have any problems.  Use the two Advisors to get what ever effect works the best against your opponent early on.  Other than that Cirle ( we all know what Circle is), You Are Beaten and the swoops will make the ground an uncomfortable place for the opponent to go.'