Profit with Fans

Title: Profit with Fans
Author: Wayne "Rebel Scum" Cullen
Date: May 28, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘starting6 you can either profit by this JP audience chamber T jabbas palace Han (jedi pack) the signal uh-oh

locations4 T dune sea T jundland wastes T mos eisley T cantina

effects5 a gift yarna d al gargan traffic control bo shuda bacta tank

interrupts20 the signal x2 transmission terminated X2 nar shadda wind chimes X2 it could be worse X3 you will take me to jabba now X3 someone who loves you X2 choke X2 control X2 leias back X2

characters24 master luke epp luke X2 epp obi X2 epp leia boushh epp han artoo loje nella tessek tamtel skreej arleil schous kabe chadra-fan X9 rennek

creatures1 worrt ‘

Strategy: ‘

first off i am going to add another boussh or epp leia when i get her and take out the leias backs they are just fillins right know. the whole strategy is to free han right away even if you dont have 5 or 10 force just get him out asap. then just get tesek loje nella to the AC and drain away with the fans. i start with uh oh so imperials are deploy +2 and that way when i get bo shuda out using the AC it cant be canceled. ‘