Hidden Case

Title: Hidden Case
Author: steve "stevie B" baroni
Date: May 31, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective (1) Hidden Base/Systems will slip through your fingers Locations (10) Coruscant Kessel Yavin 4 x2 Bespin x2 Tibrin Kiffex Endor Rendezvous point Starships (22) Millenium Falcon x2 X wing x14 Red Leader in Red one Gold Leaderin GOld One X wing Assault Squadron x4 Characters (8) Lando Calrissian x2 Chewbacca x2 Captain Han x2 R2D2 x2 Interrupts (11) All wings report in x2 Life Debt x2 Punch it x2 The Signal x2 Organized attack x2 Transmission Terminated Effects (8) Kessel Run x3 Legendary Starfighter x2 S foils Docking and repair facilities Rebel Fleet ‘

Strategy: ‘

The great part about this deck is that it is very easy to play. It is a great deck for begginers. SOme might say it isnt tournament quality because it is so simple or because it has no tech but you would be surprised about how it can win. One of the key elemts is occupying tibrin. This lets you have an unbelivable advantage when it comes to accesing cards. Every card you use whether it is a used or lost interrupt you will have acces to it again. In the end game when you have almost all of your x wings out and you have already used your all wings you can loose to force to get it back and then gain about ten more back.

You really shouldnt be worried about ground decks becuase once you flip the objective you can cancell 2 right there plus the rebel fleet. Also since there are such high force drain systems you can most likely out drain them if they leave you alone.

The same with Hunt down all you need to do is leave it alone and make them come to you. You also should always be able to canceel their vissage since you have tibrin. IF they dont have their objective flipped then you dont want to cencel it since they will be loosing force also and you have many ways of retriving force.

One of my favorite combos is R2D2 on the faclon this will make the hyperspeed an eight and then you can go strait from Coruscant and drain of three to Kessel a Drain of three. Well i hope you enjoyed my deck.