Lucky Sevens

Title: Lucky Sevens
Author: steve "stevie B" baroni
Date: Jun 1, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘HUnt Down Executor Med Chamber Executor Holotheatre Endor Dark OFret Hoth defense perimeter Kashykk dvdlots x5 gmt x2 Boba fett with blster jodo kast ig88 with riot gun 4lom with concussion rifle brangus glee djas puhr bane malar barquin dan bossk in hounds tooth zuckess in mist hunter Dengar in Punishing one Boba Fett in slave One ig88 in ig2000 Vaders Saber x2 Maras saber INtruder misssile x11 Twilek Advisor Precense of the Force Bad Feeling have I Counter assault x4 Crush the rebelion I have you know Evader Sniper Security precautions Elis Helrot x2 Reactor Terminal x2 VIsage of the emperor x3 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Thi s whole deck is based around the 14 sevens in it. The sevens i do use though serve as a double purpose so they arent uselees cards. The Visages can be used incase they cancell the one you start wiht and i find it highly unlikely that they will cancell three. IN case they spread out against you you cna elis helrot and get a big beatdown or just counter assault with the sevens. The most important thing you need to do is get a reactor termianl out so you cna start traking for either a big beatdown or a big counter assault. IF you cant get a reactor terminal or are having some trouble in space you can use the Intruder missiles on some of the bounty hunter ships.

Against epp beatdowns this deck has not a problem. Against a whole squad you can take out there biggest charachter or most important charachter by chocking them with one of the 14 sevens. Between the choke cancelling a destiny and swinning with vaders saber and sometime even maras saber too you can pretty much beatdown on a few charahcters.

Against hidden base start with security precautions and just wait until they flip and then start probing with your bounty hunter ships. After you probe there system you dont really want to be up in space since you can loose battle damage since there are no probes. SO instead just drain for 3 at one site with vader his saber and tarkin and then pile up the rest of your charahcters on the other 2 drain site plus maras saber and you should be doing enugh damage from draining and counter assaulting there drains. Against toche start with Bad feeling have I and that should give you enough time to get down there with vader first and batle whenever you can becuase vader and his saber is so powerful becuase of choking with the 14 sevens

Everyone I do know the intruder missile cannot be deployed on all of my ships only one but the real reson there there is for the seven destiny. All of you who rated this deck a three dont know what your talkoing about because at a tournament for a box of reflection this weekend it went 3-0 beating one of the worlds best players Steve Brentson who came in 6th at the worlds ‘