Info Brokers LS Vegas Slam Deck

Title: Info Brokers LS Vegas Slam Deck
Author: Tim "Info Broker" Guzman
Date: Jun 2, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective You can Either Profit by this…..

Locations(7) TatooineJabbas Palace TatooineAudience Chamber TatooineCantina TatooineDocking Bay SpaceportDocking Bay Rendezvous Point Dagobah Yoda Hut

Characters(14) Han Solo(start) Han with Heavy Blaster Master Luke x2 Luke with Lightsaber Ben Kenobi x2 Boushh x2 Chewbacca Lando with Blaster Orrimaarko Momaw Nadon Bothan Spy

Weapons(4) Anakins Lightsaber x2 Obi-wans Lightsaber Leia Blaster Rifle

Effects(7) Wise Advise(start) What are you trying to push on us? x2 Undercover Disarmed Mechanical Failure Order to Engage

Interrupts(27) The Signal Dont Forget The Droids x2 Clash Of Sabers x2 Sense x2 Altar x2 Someone Who Loves you x2 Narrow Escape x2 Fallen Portal x2 Transmission Terminated x2 Gift of the Mentor Skywalkers Weapon Levitation Double Agent Quite A Mercenary Surprise Assault Run Luke Run Glancing Blow Swing and a miss Courage of a Skywalker ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is a basic Profit we all know and love. I feel that I have it refined to beat any deck that is out there. It has won many, many games for me and it is very fun to play. The teacher has opened my eyes to using Leia Blaster, that gun is awesome.

To beat Ralltiir the location choices will win you the game every time. It is not hard to flip it and get Ben on Ralltiir with the Locations chosen in this deck. Order To Engage and Narrow Escape wins it a lot for me, and the Very small SAC package is something your opponent will not expect.

EVERY GAME start with Wise Advice. You should win every SAC WAR just because you start with that and you have two Grabbers. That way your Interrupts will go through. The beat down in this deck is huge.

Against Numbers you can see I have 2 Dont forget the droids.

Vs Huntdown you can see I have a lot of stuff to beat that, I played this deck against Hunt down a lot and it dominates it.

vs Endor OPs….I beat this every time, mainly because Leia gets to the bunker on turn and beats on the next, some times on the same turn, it gets pretty brutal.

vs CCT….I have two grabbers…some SAC, so Sabacc is not going to happen.

I will not get choked in any game my location come out and my deploy is good. I have 2 SPYS because they are so huge in so many different situations, not to mention the one Undercover comes in handy. If you have any question about this deck or why I play with a certain card just ask.

Like I said before this is a proven winner, and it also happens to be fun to play.

Enjoy, Tim ‘