Why objectives suck

Title: Why objectives suck
Author: Walter "Walter" Cowart
Date: Jun 5, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations(9) hoth3rd marker hothice plains death coruscant kashyyk endor endorforest clearing endorback door CCdown town plaza

Creature Bubo

Weapons(2) mara stick vader stick

Blue(8) tempest 1 blizzard 1 blizzard 2 blizzard walker bossk in/ zuckuss in/ fett in/ executor

Characters(15) darth vader choke vader EPP vader x2 mara x2 grand moff tarkin igar veers ozzel evax cabbel dengar w/machine gun IG-w/gun dr.E

Effects(12) broken con. search and destroy ice storm secret plans lateral damage crush the rebellion battle order I.A.O. first strike security precautions imp. decree oppressive enforcement

Interrupt(12) monnok sniper u are beaten x2 shocking rev. twilek x3 masterful move evader x2 combat rediness

Strategy: ‘

noteit turns out im 1 card shy of 60 so add big coward.thanks for your reviews

start ice plains and CR for the 3rd marker. this gives u 5 force and an excellent location to drain/fight. And thats the whole point of this deck,to drain and fight. the weapon destiny bonus at the 3rd marker is great and most people will think twice before trying to take you on there.

Against certain decks Throne roomwell if they play w/revo you will want to get crush fast.3 twileks along w/2 evaders should do it.otherwise just set up drains and fight,fight,fight.theres lots of nifty tricks to pull on there guys.my favorite is the unexpected ice storm.

MWYHLwow 7 force the 1st turn.this wont be too hard but if they test it might slow you down. if you can get broken con. out early you can get in some big drains before they cut them down to size.search and destroy will eat them away unless they come to u.

Hidden Basethere are many types of hidden base so you have to wait to see which one hes playin. search and destroy will hurt them and security precautions hoses them if they flip.

opsbattle order and decree hurts.I havent played an ops deck in a while but its not that hot.

Profitso far i dont start w/aliens and its done alright so…Set up big drains and decree then do some fightin in tatooine.Itll probably be a close game but DS can pull it off.

thats basically it.I mainly use this to playtest other decks but its fun to play and Im passive so I posted it.

Some cards to think about adding are trample,grabber,another twilek,and the homing beacon.

send me any ?s or comments and thanks for checking this out. Walter Cowart ‘