Occupation of Cloud City v 4 0

Title: Occupation of Cloud City v 4 0
Author: David "Mandalor2000" Sidhu
Date: Jun 6, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (6) TDIGWATT/PIDAAF Cloud City Port Town District Cloud City Security Tower Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle Secret Plans Any MEthods NEcesairy

Charachters (16) Grand Moff Tarkin General Veers Zuckuss Lando Calrision Mosep Salacious Crumb 4 Lom With Concussion Rifle Cammander Igar Bossk Mara JAde, The Emperors Hand Darth Vader, Dark Lord OF The Sith Jabba The Hutt Bane Malar Dengar Admiral Ozzel Lobot

Star Ships (13) Bossk in Da Bus Tyrant Conquest Thunder Flare Devestator OS-72-1 In Obsidian 1 Obsidian 8 Obsidian 7 Os-72-2 In Obsidian 2 Executor IG-88 In IG-2000 Dengar In Punishing 1 Zuckuss In Misy Hunter

Weapons/Devices (2) Vader;s Lightsaber Mara JAde;s Light Saber

Vehicles (5) Blizzard Walker Tempist 1 Blizzard Scout 1 Blizzard 2 Blizzard 1

Locations (7) Cloud City Upper PLaza Corridor Cloud City Casino Cloud City Incinerator Cloud City Upper Walkway Cloud City Downtown PLaza Bespin Bespin Cloud City

Effects (6) Cloud City Ocupation Dark Deal Reactor Terminal Resistance Expand The Empire Presence Of THe Force x2

Interupts (5) Alter Sense Hutt Smooch Release Your Anger x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘


Alrighty First of all don;t deploy everything right away. save up so you can come in numbers. Then only expand to maybe four sites…the drains will be enough. Use the Objectives Game Text and pull either Bespin or Cloud City. Try to get the obsidian and if necessary, the Bounty Hunters in their Ships to Cloud City and put your Star Destroyers at Bespin. Make sure that you don;t flip the objective until you get CC Occupation out otherwise you can;t pull it.

The good thing is that you don;t really need to reinforce your people at sites since you get at least power plus 5 and their deploy is plus 1. Have maybe a total charachter power without the bonuses at one site of 7-10.

Now that that is done you are basically set and are making them lose nearly 20 per turn and the only thing that they can use to stop you is either an all out assault on Bespin or Ultimatum. Or if they come with an under cover spy you can capture it with Hutt Smooch.

Now you need to get those small things in that give you the extra…umph. Drop Presence of the Force at the Security Tower so that it counts as a battleground and put the other one wherever you see fit. ;Expand; the game text of the Port Town District so you get the power bonus, deploy reducement and drain bonus. Put Mosepp down so that he is at and in between two sites where they are taking the most force loss. Get Salacious Crumb down to pick off that main that they draw for destiny and you are basically done. Just also make sure to get Vader and Mara;s saber down so you get the bonus from that. Save a Release incase its needed.

Once you get Cloud City Controlled you may go after the opponent in space with your excess ships.

Versus Other Decks

HB For this reason, I was thinking of adding Security Precautions so you may do that. You have enough space power to probe their system but even if you don;t you won;t be losing as much force as they will be. Also they can;t cancel your drains so you;ll be okay.

MWYHL/Beatdown If they come after you, you;ll have enough power to stop any major beatdown. Maybe, if you feel like it, go to Dagobah and give ;em a piece of your mind, stop the training.

Profit For this, also start Secret Plans and either stop them from releasing Han or don;t. Either way you should be okay. If you don;t, you;ll be able to flip your objective quicker and achieve victory faster. Also I doubt that they will have 10 force when they flip their objective right away (since you won;t go there).

DBO For this, simply don;t let them flip their objective or let them flip it and then flip it back.

Things to change You might wanna go with CC Troopers. If so add Trooper Assualts and Den of Theives along with Abyssin Ornaments. Maybe put in another system and use Imperial Decree to help you out.

Difference from v.3.0 I was thinking of adding Lone Warriors but I figured Release did the same thing and at any time so… The changes in the space fleet were miniscule ;cept for Bossk In Hounds Tooth who Adds alot of power. Basically those were the biggies.

Anyway you use it good luck and ;May The FOrce Be With You; ‘