Nasty Rumors

Title: Nasty Rumors
Author: Adam "General Solo" Prosak
Date: Oct 3, 1999 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1) Endor Operations/Imperial Outpost

Locations (11) Endor (start) Endor Bunker (start) Endor Landing Platform (start) Swamp Death Star Kiffex Kashyyyk Hoth Yavin 4 Fondor Kessel

Characters (12) Darth Vader, DLOTS x2 Grand Moff Tarkin x2 Admiral Ozzel Commader Igar DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4 Brangus Glee Baraquin D’an U-3PO

Creatures (1) Bubo

Devices (1) Homing Beacon

Starships (13) Blizzard 2 Tempest 1 Executor Avenger Devastator Vengeance Vader’s Personal Shuttle Dreadnaught x5 Bossk In Hound’s Tooth

Interupts (11) Surface Defense Twi-lek Advisor Shocking Revelation Gravity Shadow x2 Maserful Move x2 Ghhk

Effects (13) Resistance Secret Plans There Is No Try Broken Concentration Lateral Damage x2 Reactor Terminal Security Precautions Battle Order Imperial Decree Oppressive Enforcement Ominous Rumors’

Strategy: ‘

The goal of the deck is simple. Start Surface Defense to get all 3 effects (usually). Search your deck every turn for a Shocking Info and recycle it to see what’s in your force pile. Occupy the 2 Endor sites that you start with while dominating space. Deploy Ominous Rumors on the first turn(it’s next to impossible to cancel) and rack up the drains in space. When they’re done ignoring your drains and come and fight you, you have 11 ships, some pilots, Lateral Damage and Gravity Shadow to rack up battle damage. If they decide to play a lone ship, a Homing Beacon, Lateral Damage and Gravity Shadow should be game. It’s not hard to rack up 30+ in overflow.

vs. ops- I’ve yet seen an ops deck that can fight off their planet. Setup Imperial Decree, Battle Plan and the Ominous Rumors drain. Bubo and the Dark Lord hate ops and U-3PO can block another drain. Bargaining Table is tough but most of the characters are eatable and chokable. An Op in a speeder doesn’t get an extra destiny and therefore can get around Vader/Tarkin. Plus they give you alot of force to play with. Play the swamp as the third Endor site.

vs. Training to 2. Broken concentration usually stops the training. Don’t commit to the ground unless you have a Ghhk and Lateral Damage their few ships.

vs. Throne Room Revolver or Tosche Mains- depends on how many ships/retireval they have. If they have high destiny and some ships, you’re in for a battle. Try and make them commit an EPP or 2. EPP Han on the ground=win. Otherwise you’re in for a fight. Bubo, the Death Star, and Imperial Decree along with lots of battleground systems should give you enough force to fight the revolver.

vs. HBX- could be your toughest matchup. Do NOT start Secrity Precautions or play most of you’re systems. Hell2Pay Organized Attack and hope to catch and Gravity Shadow a lone X-Wing. Don’t bother with Ominous Rumors drains if you’re up against a full fleged swarm.

vs. Rouge- not too many decks can fight your fleet or shoulder that drain. Keep them honest with Vader Tarkin or Walkers, and remember that you can move your characters off of Endor with the Docking Bay.’