Funky Breakdown

Title: Funky Breakdown
Author: Steve "Crazy Hermit" Kuperman
Date: Jun 7, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective(1) Endor Operations/Imperial Outpost

Locations(12) Endor Endor Bunker Endor Landing Platform Kashyyyk Kiffex Death Star Coruscant Carida Nal Hutta Fondor Kessel Corulag

Characters(13) Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith Darth Vader With Lightsaber Grand Moff Tarkin Officer Evax Admiral Ozzel DS-61-2 DS-61-3 Ephant Mon x2 Lieutenent Cabbel Mara Jade x2 U-3PO

Weapons/Devices(1) Homing Beacon

Starships(12) Executor Devestator Avenger Vengeance Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser x4 Zuckuss In Mist Hunter Boba Fett In Slave One Bossk In Bus Dengar In Punishing One

Interrupts(10) Imperial Barrier x2 Advisor x2 Control x2 Torture x2 Overwhelmed Alter

Effects(11) Omnious Rumors Battle Order Imperial Arrest Order Reactor Terminal Secret Plans Lateral Damage Ive Lost Artoo Oppressive Enforcement Presence Of The Force x2 Security Precautions ‘

Strategy: ‘

It is pretty obvious how this deck works. You drain them, and through sheer numbers you shall win. It takes advantage of current Light Side space tactics to create a fast-paced deck.

First, the locations. Lots of locations, mainly in here cause you will want to be able to deploy a couple of ships in a turn if need be and still pick up something. The 2/2 locations are nice, but my personal favorites to hang at are Fondor (cheap Executor, hurts decks running Corvettes) and Kessel (ability 6 required for destiny is outstanding, cheaper deploy is nice too). The drain of one does not matter too much, since you will probably have Rumors running and that will provide plenty of drains at whatever location you are at.

Characters Pretty basic. Two Ephant Mons, as he solidifies the Rumors on the ground. Couple of Vaders, because he is Vader and he can be used to run interference on the ground in a close game. 2 Jades if somebody decides to get funny and throw Nudjs onto Endor sites—they are not staying. A few of my favorite pilots, and a U-3PO is a standard in here.

Starships Golden rule on starships It must have ability of at least 2. That way, any combination of 2 ships or ship + pilot will provide me with BD in a normal situation. Dreadnaughts because they are cheaper than destroyers and better destiny. A few bounty hunter ships because they all provide really useful game text and cannot be hooked by Landing Claw. Executor is a given, it will hold a system by itself if need be.

Interrupts 2 Barriers to take on the Super Falcon when deployed, or to take on something entering the bunker, or Spiral. Extremely versatile in here. Couple of Tortures for inserts (would run 3 if I ever saw them around here), Overwhelmed is more anti-Falcon stuff. Control is to provide an anti-S/A measure. After playing this deck several times, I found myself thinking how nice an Alter would be to target Senses, or to take out Bargaining Table/Rebel Fleet. So, I threw one in.

Effects Rumors is a given. Imperial Arrest Order will completely shut the opponent out of the Bunker when combined w/Ephant Mon (unless they are playing Revo). Reactor Terminal throws back cards, Secret Plans to counter retreival-based decks. Lateral Damage is useful in any space confrontation, and POTF is to boost drains and open the Death Star and Coruscant to Rumors bonus. Precautions is not a given, but it is nice to have around. Battle Order to slow the opponent, Oppressive Enforcement to provide more anti-S/A measures. Ive Lost Artoo will completely take the Super Falcon out of the game. If it succeeds, save your Controls to counter Alters on this.

The standerd start is IAO. If you think there is a chance that Nabrun will be in their deck, start IAO. It has the dual effect of enhancing forfeit on your Imperials, and will make things safe.

Strategies against certain decks

Throne Room Probably the toughest matchup, but I see much more MWYHL and Hidden Base here. In this case, watch them first turn. If they are playing Revo, it is almost a sure bet that they will Revolve the Bunker. In this case, hole up in space and drain for as much as possible. I would suggest using Crush and Evader if you are worried and would prefer to hold the ground. Just remember that Evaders will not work forever if they are playing Revo (grabbers), and I would not want to be on the ground when they get to the Bunker. So why even bother? Perhaps Always Thinking With Your Stomach would help, in some way?

Hidden Base This destroys Hidden Base. Start Precautions, start up a drain at Endor after getting Rumors set up. When your opponent deploys a system that you can drain for two at, take it over and apply the Rumors bonus. You will hit them for a lot of cards very quickly, and just Barrier the Falcon when/if it comes down. Alter Order To Engage/Rebel Fleet if it is deployed and you have got the game.

MWYHL Another real easy one. Even if they are testing, you have got a lot of places to drain at w/o Rumors. Just abandon the ground and throw up everything in space. Work on getting your activation up, and you cannot lose. Barrier any ships, then hit them hard with a bunch of your own ships. Unless it is Dag. X-Wings, they probably do not have a huge fleet.

On that note I do not care a whole lot about Landing Claw. First, I have a bunch of ships that cannot be attached to in the first place. Secondly, 1 Claw means stopping one drain. Now, how are you going to stop the other 3 or 4? I have got the Beacon, so I did not completely ignore it.

Ops Start Battle Order, start throwing down a bunch of systems, drain. Block drains with anything you can find. A close one, but thankfully Ops decks are dwindling faster than ever before. I have not seen one in 4-6 tournaments.

This deck is a lot of fun to play with, using big ships and big drains to take the game. Yeah, it could probably use a grabber, but I have not seen anything in the retreival field that I could not deal with. Give it a try, and enjoy the brute power of the Imperal Fleet. Also, feel free to give me suggestions. I am thinking about drastically reworking it to take better advantage of Battle Order and having a stronger ground presence. ‘