Las Vegas Grand Slam Rops Deck

Title: Las Vegas Grand Slam Rops Deck
Author: Brian "bgkenobi" Garrison
Date: Jun 9, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (4) Rallitir Operations Rallitir Twilec Advisor Bad Feeling Have I

Locations (10) Death Star Death Star War Room Coruscant Forest Jungle Desert Spaceport Docking Bay Hoth Wampa Cave Dagobah Cave Executor Meditation Chamber

Characters (15) Admiral Ozzel Comander Igar Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader DS-61-2 Mara Jade Grand Moff Tarkin LT. Arnet LT. Cabbel LT. Watts Major Marquand AT-ST Pilot x3

Weapons (2) Vaders Lightsaber Maras Lightsaber

Vehicles (8) Blizzard Scout 1 Tempest 1 Tempest Scout 1 Tempest Scout 2 Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 4 Tempest Scout 5 Tempest Scout 6

Starships (5) Bossk in Houndstooth Devastator Boba Fett in Slave 1 Dengar in Punishing 1 Zuckess in Mist Hunter

Interrupts (10) Imperial Barrier x2 Trample x3 Masterful Move Monnok Shocking Revelation Alter x2

Effects (6) Battle Order Reactor Terminal Security Precautions Crush The Rebellion Search & destroy Secret Plans’

Strategy: ‘

This is your standard Rallitir Operations/Chicken Walker deck. You use the reacting Walkers to lock down the planet and send out Vader/Tarkin, Tempest 1/Igar, and Mara Jade hit squads to knock off your opponent.

I played against a Hidden Base deck and I beat it by draining on the ground and pinging him with Search & Destroy. I then played a Yavin IV Throne Room start and I beat him by out activating him first couple of turns, (read the report of that game by dvader). I then played Kyle Craft and his Yavin IV deck and he beat me by 11 or so. This deck can work very fast, but unless you start with Cruch against a Yavin IV deck, you lose.

If I played this deck again I would make the following changes.

  • I would add another BH ship or such, maybe a Dreadnaught.
  • I would add one more Twix site.
  • I would actually add a second evader, considering I forgot to even write it into the deck list. ‘