Numbers Ain t Dead - Final

Title: Numbers Ain t Dead - Final
Author: Justin "hoostino" Warren
Date: Jun 9, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective Hidden Base/Systems Will Slip Through Your Fingers

Locations (9) Rendevous Point (foily) Corulag Kessel Tibrin Kiffex Ralltiir Kashyyyk Tatooine HB indicator

Characters (15) Wioslea Wedge Antilles Toryn Farr Artoo 8D8 R3-T2 R5-M2 (3x) EPP Obi (3x) EPP Luke (3x)

Starships (12) Corellian Corvette (7x) Tantive IV Spiral (foily) Lando In Falcon Gold Leader In Gold 1 Red Leader In Red 1

Interrupts (9) The Signal (5x) How Did We Get Into This Mess? (2x) Transmission Terminated (2x)

Effects (14) Haven (foily starting effect) Never Tell Me The Odds (5x) Whatre You Tryin To Push On Us? (2x) Bacta Tank Battle Plan Demotion Wise Advice Do, Or Do Not Draw Their Fire’

Strategy: ‘

UPDATE 6/13 I know that DSII is going to kill this deck. But DSII is not released as of yet, so please do not rate this poorly because it will no longer work after a future set comes out. That is crap.


This is last of this deck you all will have to see. I believe it is in its finest state, thanks to some of your suggestions and seeing some other good insert decks (like Juz himself at the helm of his own Juzs Revenge). I added Battle Plan, but opted not to go with Wars Not Make One Great because I have to drain, too. I cant really afford to pay eight to drain for four or five.

I know Odds are cheap. I dont particularly enjoy playing with or against it, but I play with what wins. And this does just that. Dont rate me bad because you have an irrational hatred of numbers, I will reprimand you.

This deck does amazing against people who dont expect it. Nobody starts Resistance against this, as it appears to be just another boring HB deck. But the look on their faces when I drop two characters and a first turn insert. The deck is also incredibly fast, as Haven allows Corvettes to deploy free of charge. A ship, insert, and insert compatible character in your starting hand will usually spell doom for your opponent. There is tech in here to shut down both Vesden and Torture.

Torture players will be screwed by a grabber and Tibrin, as I grab the Torture, and use Tibrin to retrieve the inserts, leaving them no defense for my Odds.

Vesden will get Demoted. If they are playing Alters in a ROps deck, Demotion goes back to the used pile with Wise Advice out. Grab their Alter, and keep Signaling for Demotion and play it until they are out of Alters. Then it is game over.

My suicide beatdown crew has evolved yet again, this time to just Obi and Luke, as the sabers chopping people to hell is too sweet with all of the high destinies. Will nail Vader all too often, flipping Hunt Down back for a while. With the Bacta Tank and Draw Their Fire down, you can murder ground decks that depend on Resistance. I set up a nice combo Battle Plan + DTF + Bacta Tank + EPPs. I battle for free. Retrieve 1, they lose 1. Kill someone with a main, and lose them to the Tank. Wash, rinse, and repeat. Suicide mains often knock the opponent off of that third battleground for Resistance, making them activate more and more to try to hold that third battleground, thus popping my Odds.

This deck counters every popular counter for Odds out there. I know this is cheap as hell, but it wins games.

Five Signals gets key effects out quickly. How Did We Get Into This Mess? is a nice addition, and is extremely useful in your starting hand. Say you have a Corvette and a droid in your starting hand, but no Odds. Use this to change your hand around after deploying the Vette and the droid, and you might just find an Odds, saving you a full turn. This enhances the decks speed.