Aven;s Docking Bay Hunt Down

Title: Aven;s Docking Bay Hunt Down
Author: Chris "Raven" Aven
Date: Jun 10, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting6 Hunt Down Executor Meditation Chamber Executor Holotheatre Visage of the Emperor Twi;lek Advisor Imperial Arrest Order

Charecters 16 Darth Vader DLOTS x2 Vader w/ Saber x2 Grsnd Moff Tarkin x2 Mara Jade Boba w/ Blaster IG-88 w/ Riot Gun 4-Lom w/ Rifle Commander Igar Officer Evax Lt. Pol Treidum Corporal Avarik Sergeant Elsek

Weapons 2 Vader’s Saber Mara Jade’s Saber

Vehicle 6 Blizzard 2 Tempest 1 Tempest Scout 6 Blizzard Scout 1 Speeder Bike x2

Interrupt 15 Twi;lek Advisor x3 You Are Beaten x2 Evader Main Course Ghhhk Trample Masterful Move Sniper Alter Shut Him Up or Shut Him Down Vader’s Eye Lone Warrior

Locations 4 Executor Docking Bay Endor Docking Bay Death Star Docking Bay Cloud City Docking Bay

Effects 11 Visage of the Emperor x4 Presence of the Force x2 Crush the Rebellion Search and Destroy Reactot Terminal Come Here You Big Coward First Strike ‘

Strategy: ‘

In this deck I normaly get a Vader in my hand. So I search for either the Death Star or Endor docking bay. Then depending on what my opponent is doing I either get out the other docking bay and put Vader and Tarkin or Mara and Boba at them plus get out the presence of the forces. Or I get one or two people at the docking bays and go beat down them with the rest.
Search and destroy helps by makeing them lose an extra force at the end of each turn. First Strike is for a little force retrieval and cuts down on their interrups. The four extra visages are there because of there destiny and it is beater than holonet transmission.

Ops I don;t know because no one in my area plays it but I think it would fair preaty well. Mind I have not lost to any that train to five but I have lost once to a train to two deck. Hidden Base Not many people play it but I might put some ships in and secuity precautions in depending on the advice I get. Other I just go beat them down early so the can;t set up.

All advice is welcome. ‘