Fake ebo designer- hunter

Title: Fake ebo designer- hunter
Author: Eric "bounty22" Hunter
Date: Jun 10, 2000 Rating: 4.5



’ Unknown Type Endor Chief Chirpa’s Hut Hoth Echo Command Center (War Room) Hoth Echo Med Lab Hoth Main Power Generators Hoth North Ridge Rendezvous Point Tatooine Obi-Wan’s Hut Yavin 4 Massassi Headquarters Yavin 4 Massassi War Room

Characters (18) Captain Han Solo x2 Harc Seff Jeroen Webb Leia With Blaster Rifle x2 Master Luke x3 Melas Obi-Wan With Lightsaber x3 Oola x2 Orrimaarko Tawss Khaa Wedge Antilles

Starships (6) Gold Leader In Gold 1 Millennium Falcon x2 Red Leader In Red 1 Spiral Tantive IV

Interrupts (16) Clash Of Sabers x2 Courage Of A Skywalker Don’t Forget The Droids x2 Gift Of The Mentor Glancing Blow x2 Grimtaash x2 Shocking Information The Signal Tunnel Vision x4

Effects (9) A New Secret Base Bacta Tank Goo Nee Tay Projection Of A Skywalker x2 Revolution x2 Uncontrollable Fury Wise Advice

Weapons (2) Anakin’s Lightsaber x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

#edit# take out both projections and put wise advice and do or do not. also take out obi-wans hut and put in a kiffex, the starting efect will let you take it out so ou can drain in space with the super falcon.

ok this deck starts the power genterators and a new secret base. i exspect you will get a twix in starting hand wo second turn you be 8 for you 1 for them. so you’ve got your self a nice start. then with the tunnels you’ll get master and saber or what ever you need to reck havok.

against operatives- do the normal start. get out and crush what ever he puts out, this will be a quick victory cause your fast start will be tooooo much.

aginst rops- again you will stop them before the set up. even though they will have bad feeling and/or the objective you still will stop them from flipping. if this is big in your area, put in some mechanical failures and romas lock navender.

against huntdown- quick start will lay the beats on a second turn flip. the only way this will be close is if theey activate for a couple turns and wait. but they won’t do that, you cn win.

against sfs- super falcon and tank, drain at 4th marker and what not. this will be the toughest of matches, it just comes down to how well your super falcon can keep up with them ties

ami forgetting something? well i consider these the most potent decks, anything else, if it is more powerful then these or more popular in your area just put in a few counters for it. remember this deck is metad for my area.

keep it cool folks

eric hunter, mass state champion ‘