Sevens Galore

Title: Sevens Galore
Author: steve "stevie B" baroni
Date: Jun 10, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Unknown Type Endor Dark Forest Executor Holotheatre Executor Meditation Chamber Hoth Defensive Perimeter Kashyyyk

Characters (11) Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith x5 Grand Moff Tarkin x2 IG-88 With Riot Gun Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2

Starships (4) Boba Fett in Slave I Bossk In Hounds Tooth Dengar In Punishing One Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Interrupts (16) Counter Assault x4 Elis Helrot x3 Evader x2 Hunting Party Hutt Smooch I Have You Now Point Man Torture x2 Twi’lek Advisor

Effects (20) Bad Feeling Have I Crush The Rebellion Mournful Roar x2 Reactor Terminal x2 Security Precautions Visage Of The Emperor x9 We’re The Bait x4

Weapons (3) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber Vader’s Lightsaber x2

Unknown Type Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi/Their Fire Has Gone Out Of The Universe ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck is one of the funnest decks to play if your opponent doesnt now the deck. Since i have Made this deck it has been undefeated and beaten some of the best players in my region, Steve Brentson, and Eric Hunter. In the last three tournaments it has gone 9-0 and had an outstanding win of 37.

This deck is also very simple to play. No matter what deck you play against your strategy is the same. If you can get a reator terminal, DVDLOTS and a GMT, in the first couple turns than you are set for the game. With the reactor terminal you can set it up so that you whole reserve deck includes only sevens. Once you do this all you need to do is control one of your sites and then just counter assult anything they try to force drain you with. If you are neck and neck going into the end game then you should have nor problem as long as you have held onto your sevens and kept track of them wiht a reator terminal.

This deck totally destroys X-wing swarm deck. IF you come up against a hidden base X-wing swarm deck wait until they flip and then probe. With the four bounty hunter ships you should have no problem probing. Once you probe just hang out on the ground an counter assault all of your opponents drains, and since the X-wings are a power of three you should have no problem inflicting a lot of damge.

Against profit decks i have found this deck to be very powerful. With the ability to start of with Mara Jade and Boba fett you have a garuntee two weapon destiny by searching for her saber and then another two when you get DVDLOTS. If they drop a hit squad then you should have no problem with it. First get ridd of their most key character whether its Ben Kenobi or Han Solo. Also with all of the Elis helrots you have a very versatile deck. You will have no problem getting around to pick off a couple of characters here and there. Not once has this deck let a profit deck flip their objective by controling the Audience chamber.

Against Tosche/Hutt deploy DVDLOTS and GMT to the Tosche station and just keep draining them there while they are getting screwed by Bad Feeling Have I. You should be able to reduce each of there hit squads down to one or two measley charachters.

I dont really no what else to say since the deck is very self explanitory. All you need to do is control on site and let the visage eat away at them until you get can off a big counter assault to finish them off. ‘