Vader s War Machine v 2 1

Title: Vader s War Machine v 2 1
Author: Ryan "CmdCorranH" Austin
Date: Jun 11, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘STARTING (3) Tatooine Combat Readiness Tatooine Jabba’s Palace

LOCATIONS (4) Dagobah Cave Coruscant Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Tatooine Mos Eisely

CHARECTORS (15) IG-88 W/Riot Gun 4-LOM W/Concussion Rifle x2 DVDLOTS x2 EPP Darth Vader GMT Dr.Evazan x2 Mara Jade x2 Djas Puhr Jabba The Hutt Brangus Glee (Or Dannik Jerriko-please LMK what U think) U-3PO

EFFECTS (8) Search and Destroy Tatooine Occupation Reactor Terminal Security Precautions Battle Order Secret Plans Disarmed x2 Image of the Dark Lord

INTURRUPTS (23) Sense x5 Alter x3 Imperial Barrier x2 You Are Beaten x2 Twi’lec Advisor x2 Elis Helrot x2 Sniper x2 The Circle Is Now Complete Torture x2 Weapon Levitation Boring Conversation Anyways

STARSHIPS (4) Zuckess in Mist Hunter Executor Fett In Slave 1 Dengar In Punishing One

WEAPONS (2) Mara’s Lightsaber Darth’s Lightsaber ‘

Strategy: ‘


Here are some CHANGES

Out Brangus Glee Dengar in P1 Image of the dark lord (b/c nobody is playing with revo now b/c of D* obj)

IN Bossk in Bus Dannik Jerriko Dengar W/blaster (EJP)

Before the stratagy I would like to say that I think this deck rocks at this time period b/c alot of people are gonna start running to Profit & MWYHL decks b/c of the D* obj. And this deck CREAMS both of them. BTW PLEASE DON’T GIVE ME ANY BAD REVIEWS B/C OF THE NEW EBO DECK I WILL post a version 3.0 with counters to THE EBO DECK in about a WEEK. AND I HAVE PLAYTESTED AGAINST THE NEW RTP OBJ and this deck has won EVERY SINGLE TIME (I just get Occupation/drains going which kills them and then pound leia when she’s realeased) . THANKS <»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»>

This is my version of Hak Soo Kims Anti-Profit and I would like to thank him for the template. I have changed a lot but the concept is still the same. Starting Tatooine and Jabbas Palace help to activate force and (if you can get a ship up there) really makes your opponent come to you b/c of Tatooine Occupation. As you probably know, you want to get the opponent to come to you and then use all your nasty combos, effects, and interrupts. If you have read Kims anti-profit strategy or look at the cards in this deck than you will see the deadly force this deck has. Now for some deck strategies NOTE IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND PLEASE DO NOT RATE DECK. Thanks

Against Hidden Base If you see this objective then start Tatooine Mos Eisely & Tatooine Jabba*s Palace. Unless this is a numbers deck it should be a piece of cake (if it is numbers you do have 2 tortures and just drain/search and destroy them to death). Start of by getting some drains going and get the right guys together and combos ready. If the deck is a mains HB deck then just pound them with your combos. But if it is a space deck (X-Wing Swarm etc.) then get on 2 battlegrounds and set up Search and Destroy. This card combined with drains with be enough and if they flip get out SP and probe like crazy (3 of the ships are awesome probing ships and Dengar is for Super Falcon).

Against MWYHL Normal start and try to determine whether the deck is a mains beatdown or testing. Either way get your combos and drains set up and, if possible, Tatooine Occupation. If they are just testing then get out Secret Plans and Search and Destroy (will hurt till they get someone down). If it is a mains beatdown then just drain and slaughter their guys when they deploy.

Against Speeder OPS Get out Battle Order as well as getting a drain/occupation going at AC (dont go outside till they have used most speeders). Then hit them where they are weak. Tough matchup and to be honest I dont know what would happen. But these decks are almost gone so it doesnt matter.

Against Yavin 4 Revolver This deck is now DEAD but i can beat it anyways.

Against Yavin 4 Mains Will be a very rare deck, but just in case. Same thing as MWYHL mainsget set up then slaughter when they deploy. Boring Conversation Any Ways will help against destiny adders and Tatooine Occupation will help make them come to you.

AGAINST Profit This deck was made to destroy profit which it does very well. Choke them for force by converting thier sites and sit at AC with your combos ready. Then slaughter them when they deploy.

Thanks for looking, Ryan ‘