Endor Tupperware Party

Title: Endor Tupperware Party
Author: Danny "Skuff D" Rider
Date: Jun 12, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective Rebel Strike Team/Garrison Destroyed

Locations (8) Endor Endor Bunker Endor Back Door Endor Great Forest Endor Rebel Landing Site Endor Hidden Forest Trail Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Rendezvous Point

Effects (5) Battle Plan Do or Do Not (start using Don’t Tread.) Insurrection Frozen Assets Draw Their Fire

Epic Events (1) Deactivate the Shield Generator

Interrupts (17) Don’t Tread on Me (starting) I’ve Got a Bad Feeling About This Rebel Barrier Under Attack Run Luke, Run Don’t Get Cocky I Know Were You Looking for Me? Yoda Stew x2 Nabrun Lieds x2 This is Absolutely Right x2 Throw Me Another Charge x3

Weapons/Devices (4) Explosive Charge x2 Landing Claw Liea’s Blaster Rifle

Starships (4) Gold Leader in Gold 1 Lando in Millenium Falcon Spiral Red Leader in Red 1

Characters (20) Threepio R-3P0 Herc Seff Momaw Nadon Luke with Lightsaber x2 General Solo Han with Blaster Liea with Rifle Obiwan with Saber Chewie of Kashyyyk Daughter of Skywalker Orrimaarko Corporal Kenseric General Crix Madine Lietenant Page Corporal Beezer Sergeant Junkin Lietenant Greeve Sergeant Brooks Carlson ‘

Strategy: ‘

First off and foremost READ THIS BEFORE REVIEWING This deck is in very early development but the idea to use this objective surfaced after I had a conversation about Duel Protection. The flip side of this objective gives me a +2 to each epic event draw. Also I played this deck succesfully when Endor was first released and hitting the opponent for 8 damage is nice. On to the strategy…

The flip sense is simple. Hold on to your cards, play them right and control the bunker for a turn 2-3 flip. Once you blow away the bunker you can retrieve your small guys every turn (including Chewie) Also your drains can’t be canceled or changed where your scouts are at. Flipping is relatively easy, winning the game however requires more patience.

VS. Hunt Down With Dueling, watch where you deploy Luke and Obi-wan. I recomend not deploying them till after you flip for the duueling protection, although the destiny is safe in this deck. If they are not dueling, plenty of battleground sites to keep the obj. flipped and play it to the bone. It should be one of the more interesting games. If you’re not confident against dueling, Run Luke will buy you some time.

VS. Court Flip before you do anything. Then nabrun about and do some damage. The destiny adders are nice in court battles and are very essential in clearing sites.

VS. Ral Ops Big time battling with small time fun. You can retrieve your small guys that get trampled or even better forfieted with Insurrection. We all know how to deal with Ral. Ops, but I recomend flipping before you battle the walkers. Under Attack and destiny adders will make it difficult for them to keep a garrison deployed.

VS. DS Space Good Luck. This will be the toughest one. Hold out in space and flip that objective The bonus from This is Absolutley right will aid in drains and your power on ground will be suffecient in holding the fort.

Other notes Use rebel barrier when you can. Your protection against Sense is critical, thus the starting effect. Lose the rebels you can retrieve from you’re hand and if you get to, use This is Absolutely Right to cut down the opponent’s drains. Read the card, it’s pretty tight. Nabrun and Yoda Stew work as they always did. Anyhow that’s what makes this deck work. When you see the look on your opponents face after you blow up the bunker you’ll understand. (It’s also neat catching them reading your objective after they initiate an Epic Duel and you flipped the Objective.) Until then, review with the knowledge this deck is still very much under construction. Also, prepare for my next LS deck venture Feeling Up Carrie Fischer on Tatooine (I claim the title as my own)’