Shh I have a new secret

Title: Shh I have a new secret
Author: Andy "Solo337" McClure
Date: Jun 12, 2000 Rating: 4.0



’ Locations (10) Hoth Main Power Generators Hoth 4th Marker Hoth Echo Docking Bay Hoth Echo Command Center (War Room) Hoth Echo Med Lab Hoth Echo Corridor Kiffex Kessel Hoth Corulag

Characters (13) EPP Luke x2 EPP Obi x2 EPP Han x2 EPP Leia Boussh Melas Old School Wedge Antillies Chewbacca General Carlist Rieekan Chewbacca

Starships (12) X-wing x9 Spiral Tantive 4 Lando in Falcon

Effects (10) EBO Rebel Fleet Yarna (Fat Dancer) Incom Corp. What’re You Tryin’ To Push On Us? Wise Advice Uncontrollable Fury Bacta Tank Docking and Repair Facilities A New Secret Base

Interrupts (13) The Signal x3 Trans Term x2 All Wings Report In x2 Organized Attack x4 Clash Of Sabers Tunnel Vision

Weapons (2) X-wing Laser Cannon

Strategy: ‘

Well, the start should be pretty obvious The Shields with A New Secret Base, and the gay 4th Marker (I hate having to waste deck space for this card). From there, you should get out your sites, using ANSB, and get out Incom Corp and Yarna as soon as you can, using your Signals as needed.

You should be able to set up EBO on turn 3-5. This deck is somewhat lacking in Characters, but you only need 2 to set up EBO. You deploy 2 characters at 2 different Echo sites, and a X-wing to the Echo docking Bay, and you occupy 3 Echo Base locations. You then can fly the X-wing to the Hoth system (that’s why I use it….)

Once EBO and Incom are deployed, 2 X-wings at a system costs 2 force, and gives you 11 power and a destiny draw, as long as there’s no Zuckess, and he is the main reason there are X-wing cannons.

You should have no problem with EBO getting cancelled, which is why there is only 1 EBO in this deck. To keep it from being cancelled, just stick all your characters at one site, and hold your ground there. Remeber, they have to occupy 5 sites, and with the shields up, that’s practically impossible.

You can also use EPP Obi and Luke on suicide missions with the Bacta Tank. Your drains in space should be huge, just use them to knock your opponent off of they’re 3rd battle ground (if they have resistance), or to keep them from sastisfying Imperial Decree.

Oh, and my favorite part about this deck, is that every location except Kessel can be pulled from reserve deck.

Every other card is pretty self explanitory.

Vs. Hunt Down This should be a fairly easy match up. I would probably avoid deploying Luke and Obi if you fear a duel, because I pack no duel protection. Use your Trans Terms and Jeroen to cancel Visage, and Boussh to block Vader’s drain. If Visage is causing a lot of damage, you may want to consider using another Trans Term.

Vs. RalOps This shouldn’t be too hard. Set up EBO, and control the Raltiir system. If you control Raltiir, they can’t flip. If they flip early, just control 1 Raltiir site, and the system to flip it back over. Your drains at the systems should be more than a match for they’re little drains, even if your drains stay -1.

Vs. COTVG Ignore them and drain in space. Use you X-wing cannons wisely. You might want to try to send EPP Obi and Luke on hit missions to cancel Scum, but you shouldn’t have to… Drain and fight in space, and use Organized Attack and Docking and Repair Facilities to outlast them.

Vs. Big Blue This should be a fun game Fight in space, use everything you have. They deploy -1 at systems and power +3 should be a big help. Just adlib and react to whatever they’re doing in space.

Vs. TDIGWATT If they set up Dark Deal it could hurt, but you should be faster than they are, and those X-wings sure can fight at Cloud City. Try to control Bespin if they set up Occupation.

Well, I think that’s about it. Thanks for the reviews, in advance, and I’m always open to D-mail for questions-
