Dueling Sphere v 1 0

Title: Dueling Sphere v 1 0
Author: Sock "SockMan" Man
Date: Jun 13, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Locations (6) Alderaan Death Star Death Star Docking Bay 327 Hoth Defensive Perimeter Hoth Ice Plains Hoth Wampa Cave

Characters (16) 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle Dannik Jerriko Darth Vader With Lightsaber x2 Darth Vader Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith Dengar with Blaster Carbine Djas Puhr Dr. Evazan x2 Grand Moff Tarkin x2 IG-88 With Riot Gun Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2

Starships (6) Boba Fett in Slave I Bossk In Hounds Tooth Dengar In Punishing One Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser x2 Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Interrupts (25) Boring Conversation Anyway Elis Helrot x2 Focused Attack x2 Imperial Barrier x2 Look Sir, Droids x2 Sense x3 Shut Him Up Or Shut Him Down The Circle Is Now Complete Torture x2 Twi’lek Advisor x3 Unexpected Interruption x3 Vader’s Obsession You Are Beaten x2

Effects (4) Battle Order Imperial Decree Reactor Terminal Security Precautions

Weapons (2) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber Vader’s Lightsaber

Unknown Type Set Your Course For Alderaan/The Ultimate Power In The Universe ‘

Strategy: ‘

First off, I know some of you may be thinking “Why not just use Hunt Down?” Well, deciding the objective to use for this deck was not an easy task, but here are some of the reasons I chose SYCFA/TUPITU over Hunt Down.

  1. Hunt Down is too predictable Hunt down is very widely known and prepared for, plus this deck can’t really take advantage of some of its bonuses.
  2. More force activation One more force starting activation can mean a lot. Believe me.
  3. Choke protection Revo cannot be played, flat out. Plus, That 5 force factor again.
  4. Surprise factor Did you really expect to see dueling using this objective? No, I thought not.

So, now that we know a little behind the origins of this deck, lets move on.

Start with the objective stuff, then use Twi’lek for the according effect, more info on this later. Try to get out Decree and a Hoth Site, then occupy the 2 systems to get a little help against force drain bonuses. Deploy Vader or Mara where needed and duel away. The Unexpected Interruptions are key in this deck. Use them to get out whichever interrupt you need at the time. Go to the opponent’s base of operations and wipe him out. This deck doesn’t really ave much general strategy, this deck plays very differently against each decktype, see below.

Vs. Ops Might be a little tough. Start Battle Order and concentrate on taking one site, then move on from there and take out the others. Decree will really help out here.

Vs. Profit Start Mara and another alien which you feel most comfortable with, I choose Dannik for his ability. Your Starting effect should again be Battle Order as few Profit decks that I see pack any space. Beat away and duel as soon as you get good destiny lined up. This matchup hasn’t been too much of a problem in my playtesting.

Vs. RTP Ahh… RTP. Start Battle Order again and concentrate on preventing them from freeing Leia. Use the Unexpected Interruption to grab Look Sir, Droids and Sense the possible Droid Shutdown. Barier will also probably slow them down. If they do manage to flip, pick your battles carefully and try to get everyone together and Elis to a weak spot for a massive beating. A close game, but you should come out on top.

Vs. Hidden Base Probably will be your toughest matchup. Start Battle Order (again) and pick your battles very carefully. Try and get a drain of 2 going at the defensive perimeter going if possible and if you can back it up enough, it should be there for the rest of the game. If you can, try and set up a trap if they have EPP beatdown. Stockpile some dueling stuff and thwart the incoming force, backed up by a barrier and a You Are Beaten to prevent any attack, then proceed to beatdown on remaining characters.

Vs. MWYHL This game will be slow and will prbably will be a bit of a waiting game. Try and get the opponent to come after you and you can easily counteract his attacks with all your interrupts.

Vs. Numbers Piece of Cake. A nifty trick is to Look Sir, Droids their droids, then watch as their inserts come up and dish out damage to them. Keep a careful eye on your force and prepare for an EPP attack, see Hidden Base strategy for info on this.

Well, that’s all that I can think of for now. Thanks for the reviews and I hope to post a second version of this deck soon.’