Darth Vader Is Better Than Everyone

Title: Darth Vader Is Better Than Everyone
Author: Kevin "KevOfCrofton" Elia
Date: Jun 14, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations(6) Death Star Coruscant Kashyyyk Endor Dagobah Cave Tatooine Cantina (Starting)

Characters(12) 3x Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith 2x Darth Vader 3x Grand Moff Tarkin Mara Jade Admiral Ozzel U-3PO

Starships(12) 3x Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser Devastator Avenger Vader’s Personal Shuttle Obsidian 7 2x Zuckuss In Mist Hunter Boba Fett In Slave 1 Dengar In Punishing One Bossk In Hound’s Tooth

Weapons(5) 3x Vader’s Lightsaber Mara Jade’s Lightsaber Dark Jedi Lightsaber

Interrupts(19) 2x Sniper 2x Hutt Smooch 2x Twi’lek Advisor 2x You Are Beaten 2x Monnok 2x The Circle Is Now Complete Force Field Shocking Revelation 2x Vader’s Eye Ommni Box Boring Conversation Anyway I Have You Now

Effects(6) 2x Presence Of The Force Imperial Decree Battle Order Secret Plans Oppressive Enforcement

Strategy: ‘

I got the title idea from a Limp Bizkit shirt. I hope everybody likes Limp Bizkit.

Start with Cantina, and I like to start with Presence of the Force on there. It gives you a great speed advantage, because with one of the Vaders or the Mara you should have a drain of 3+ by your third turn, which is hard to deal with so early. Throw Tarkin down there, and with all your interrupts, you shouln’t have a hard time controlling the site. In space, you have a whole lot of guys that should be able to hold a system or 2 fairly safely. I left out the Executor because 15 is way to high to pay for one card. The dueling is there as a backup, and you can play Monnok to see if there holding Courage Of A Skywalker. Since no destiny is drawn for Circle, Vader and Lightsaber win against anyone but Ben Kenobi. One weakness is numbers, but I chose to leave defense out because no people near me play LS numbers. You can take out one of the Circles for a Resistance or Torture without hurting the deck. Speeders shouldn’t be much of a problem, because your site is interior and you can still set up Imperial Decree with your systems.’