Blow Me

Title: Blow Me
Author: Shane "Outlaw" Watner
Date: Jun 15, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting(6) Set Your Course For Alderaan/The Ultimate Power in the Universe Death Star DS Docking Bay 327 Alderaan Twi’lek Advisor Blast Door Controls

Epic Events(3) CPI x3

Characters(12) Death Star Gunner x3 IG-88 w/gun 4-Lom w/rifle Darth Vader Grand Moff Tarkin Admiral Ozzel Admiral Motti Captian Needa Captain Piett Lieutenant Cabbel

Locations(7) DS War Room DS Level 4 Corridor DS Detention Block Corridor DS Central Core Endor Kiffex Yavin 4

Starships(7) Death Star Assault Squadron Conquest Devastator Avenger Stalker Tyrant Vengance

Weapons(6) Leia Seeker Han Seeker Luke Seeker Superlaser x2 Vader’s Saber

Effects(6) Secret Plans Death Star Sentry Presence of the Force x2 Reactor Terminal A Day Long Remembered

Interrupts(13) Put all Sections on Alert x2 Sense Alter Imperial Barrier x2 This is Some Rescue x2 Lone Pilot Always Thinking With Your Stomach Torture Its Worse Limited Resouces

Strategy: ‘

Alright, make your starting effect whatever you want(narrow escape and rebel barrier piss me off)like secret plans when you play against profit. You wanna blow alderaan away as soon as possible in order to flip. Once flipped then drop your star destoyers at Endor and Kiffix for a drain of 4 each, enhance them with Presence of the Force if you like. A Day Long Remembered is a great tech card if you can pull it off but you really dont have to. The rest i’m sure you can figure out for yourself. ‘