And Dr Dre said; Dr E rocks in M+T

Title: And Dr Dre said; Dr E rocks in M+T
Author: Brad "Uncle Chall" Vogel
Date: Jun 16, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations(7) Tatooine Tat JP Tat. JPAC Tat. JPDungeon Dagobah Cave Coruscant Death Star

Characters(17) 2 Darth Vader DVDLOTS EPP Vader 2 GMT 2 Mara Jade 2 Dr. Evazan ECC 4-LOM ECC IG-88 Jabba the Hutt Ephant Mon EPP Fett U-3PO EJP Dengar

Weapons(2) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber Vader’s Saber

Starships(4) Vader’s Personal Shuttle Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Bossk in Hounds Tooth Boba Fett in Slave 1

Interrupts(24) 5 Sense 4 Alter 2 Monnok 2 You Are Beaten 2 Elis Helrot 2 Torture 2 Imperial Barrier Twi’lek Advisor Masterful Move Combat Readiness Sniper Weapon Levitation

Effects(6) 2 Disarmed Secret Plans Reactor Terminal Security Precautions Battle Order

Strategy: ‘

In case you didn’t know, the title is a reference to Eminem’s “The Real Slim Shady” which I’ve had stuck in my head while writing this. Anyway…

This deck attempts to just beatdown the opponent when the occasion arises using Dr. E along with weapon-wielding characters and useful interrupts. The start is Tatooine and CR for Jabba’s Palace. Here is a brief synopsis of why certain cards are in there

Locations The Dungeon is for extra activation along with the 3 other Tatoioine location which are in play after the 1st turn. The other location are all solid locations which deny the opponent force and provide me enough to maintain my battle plan.

Characters 4 Vaders because he rocks. I found this combination to be suitable since my average destiny isn’t too hot, but I find the need for DVDLOTS or EPP Vader against certain decks. GMT works well with Vader and Mara can be pulled with the AC on the 1st turn if the opponent gives you a force. There is an extra one in case she dies and you need another spy later in the game. Dr. E forms the basis of this deck through vicious character removal with the weapons and the Disarmeds. The enhanced characters are excellent in a variety of situations while JTH and Ephant Mon are my start vs. Profit. U-3PO just rocks when they avoid you. I realize I have both versions of Fett in this deck, but he is just too good both in character and ship form to give one of them up.

Weapons Only 1 Vader’s Saber since Weapon Levitation can pull it if need be.

Staships Good enough to probe vs. HB. Vader’s Shuttle is an excellent little ship which combines well with Bossk in Bus for a couple destiny draws. 3 destiny isn’t too bad either.

Interrupts SAC is just too useful to not be playing. This number allows for me to cancel whatever annoying strategy my opponent is using. If they get out DoDN and/or WA so what? Just Sense and Alter the stuff that you feel is most threatening. MM and 2 Monnoks because they wreck Ops and other decks based around lots of non uniques. Get out Mara 1st turn and Alter Yarna. Next turn, MM for a Monnok and that slows them down tremendously. MM is also great for tracking. 2 YAB because they are awesome and work well with the character removal theme. Cancelling UF is just another perk. Elis is to move around and Torture is for numbers. I’ve been thinking about the Barriers, and I can’t figure out if they’re worth it or not. They help set up Disarmed combos with Dr. E and also prevent beatdowns, but I’m wondering if there is something better I can use instead of them. LMK what you think. Weapon Levitation is a great card which can fetch a Saber or steal an opponent’s weapon. Sniper takes care of UC spies while a twilek can pull out useful effects.

Effects 2 Disarmed since they are so great at taking out EPP’s with Evazan. Combined with Imperial Barriers, they can easily help you turn the tide of battle. Secret Plans belongs in every DS deck period while Reactor Terminal can boost differential as well as throwing back high destiny cards into my reserve deck to be tracked. Battle Order hurts Ops and other one-sided decks while Security Precautions hurts Hidden Base.

Overall, the deck has done well for me in playtesting, but I’ve yet to take it to a tourney. I’m posting it here to see what everyone thinks can be done to make it into a real powerhouse. These are just some of the things that I’m considering adding. LMK what you think should go in and what should be taken out

First Strike - good, offensive card. Search and Destroy - vs. non-interactive decks (MWYHL). Bubo - more UC spy protection. Lt. Pol Treidum - more UC spy protection (Great w/Reactor Terminal). Imperial Holotable - More easy activation and I have Senses to cancel TT on it. Masterful Move - another one if I put in the Holotable. Vader’s Saber - another one so I can get it out quicker. Boelo - destiny canceling in the AC or with JTH. Dengar in Punishing One - for the Super Falcon. Draining Locations (i.e. - Lars Farm, Cantina, Jundland Wastes, Kashyyyk, Endor) - I’m pondering if I need places to drain or just try and beat down the opponent. Presence of the Force - if the drain sites go in, so does this. Lateral Damage - for a possible beatdown in space. There’ll be Hell to Pay - for abusive strategies in case SAC isn’t enough. Oppressive Enforcement - to guarantee no SAC wars lost and free grappler if that goes in.

Any other ideas would be appreciated. I realize the above list is long, but that’s why I’m appealing to everyone at Decktech to help me out. Thanks for reading,

Brad ‘