Killer queen to avoid complications she never uses the same adress

Title: Killer queen to avoid complications she never uses the same adress
Author: Eric "bounty22" Hunter
Date: Jun 16, 2000 Rating: 4.5



’ Unknown Type Coruscant Coruscant Docking Bay Coruscant Imperial Square Dagobah Cave Death Star War Room Executor Meditation Chamber Hoth Ice Plains Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Jabba’s Palace Dungeon Tatooine Great Pit Of Carkoon

Characters (15) 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle x2 Bane Malar Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle Chall Bekan Darth Vader With Lightsaber x3 Dengar with Blaster Carbine Djas Puhr Dr. Evazan x2 Grand Moff Tarkin Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2

Starships (5) Boba Fett in Slave I Bossk In Hounds Tooth Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser x2 Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Interrupts (21) Alter x3 Hutt Smooch Jabba’s Through With You Masterful Move Monnok x2 Sense x4 Shut Him Up Or Shut Him Down The Circle Is Now Complete Torture x3 Twi’lek Advisor x2 You Are Beaten x2

Effects (6) A Bright Center To The Universe Battle Order Scum And Villainy Search And Destroy Security Precautions(normal start) There’ll Be Hell To Pay

Weapons (2) Dengar’s Modified Riot Gun Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Unknown Type Court Of The Vile Gangster / I Shall Enjoy Watching You Die ‘

Strategy: ‘

this deck is the bomb. it has so much power and junk. i don’t knwo what to say in the strategy…. hmmmm… it’s kinda like a trm deck except it packs a mini-visage. and gives me forfiet and ships, the benifiets are great. first of all though, i shall say what do you do agaisnt certian decks

agsinst ops try to win this one using scum if you get it. this was you you can retrive and stuff and that’s cool. you also have abc and batle order(which you start with) make sure to leave one guy at tatioone to not lose from the objective. you can win this with style.

agasinst trm just batle them out. you won’t be choked cause whenever i play this you get plenty of locatoins. because of this you can out batle them and out sac them, i played agsint my bro’s and beat his handily cause this deck is strong.

agsint ebo this is the only weakness of the deck. i think some more ships would help batle this deck. so if this is big put in more ships and with cout damage and mara with her saber in space. if you can fight it in space you’ll win.

agsint blow up the big ping pong ball so they blow up the dath star. so they get some good drains. but then what? you’ll batle them on the ground and beat them and drain on yavin. also court damage and s&D will hurt them. by the time the’ll be set up the’ll be really hurting. this matchup is yours to win.

agsint profit so you pull your stough out and what not and you will let them free han so then you go smack them. your sac will go through, just like trm you will out batle them, plus you will have a huge force aadvatage casue this deck whenever i played with it get’s it’s locations. 1 cc engineer may be added so you can force choke them-kinda.

what else is there? i say bring it on this deck can take it. as for the title, i hope you all like queen cause the’s dynamite with a laser beeam, guranteed to blow your mind’