Brand Spanking New

Title: Brand Spanking New
Author: Steven "gilgamesh" Yaeger
Date: Jun 17, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting(8) Rescue the Princess Death StarDetention Block Corridor Prisoner 2187 Death StarDocking Bay 327 Yavin IVDocking Bay Yavin IVMassassi War Room The Signal Echo Base Garrison-Yeah I know what I’m doing 8D8(the droid that frees Leia is a Maintenance Droid. You can get him on turn one with this effect).

Locations(3 more) HothWar Room Rendezvous Point DagobahYoda’s Hut

Characters(18 + starting Prisoner 2187) 8D8 (I only need one since I’m starting with Echo Base Garrison) Obi-Wan Kenobi (Make a AT-ST pilot move away) Obi w/ Saber x2 Luke w/ Saber x3 Han w/ Blaster x2 Leia w/ Blaster Chewie w/ Blaster R2-D2 (Set up safely for a battle by using Double Agent on Mara) Tawss Khaa Melas Commander Wedge (I had reg. Wedge but I can get him w/ EBG) Romas Lock Navander (No reacting) Jeroen Webb Bothan Spy x2

Starships(3) Tantive IV Lando In Falcon Spiral

Vehicles(5) Ronto x2 Lift Tube x3 (retrieve w/ Death Star Plans in one turn or get Leia to the War Room asap)

Interrupts(14) Fly Casual (The only reason I need ships at all is for flipping back Raltir this lets me get the Tantive or deploy another ship without needing presence) Double Agent x2 (Mara or ISB killer, I got lots o’ spies) Under Attack x2 (Big Blue and ATST ROPS are popular in my area) The Signal (extra besides the Starting 1 Rebel Barrier x2 (LOVE this card it’s saved my but endless times) Alter x3 Sense x3

Effects(8) Death Star Plans x3 Bacta Tank (keeps leia alive & SAC will keep it on table) Battle Plan Mechanical Failure Draw Their Fire What’re You Trying to Push on Us

Strategy: ‘

Well I explained a lot of stuff in the card listing part but here’s the rest.

Against Hunt Down -Let Visage eat you both by putting Luke on a Lift Tube or cancel it with one of 4 spies. Save Draw Their Fire and then battle w/ Ben or a big enough force to take out Vader. This deck flips so fast that Hunt Down (with the low amount of different characters) doesn’t stand a chance. This is the only place that SAC won’t help you much. Battle against Mara w/ a Bothan then play double agent so she’ll be placed out of play. Retrieve w/ Death Star Plans.

CPI -Kill those dang dirty Death Star Gunners over and over again with Epp’s and spies. Grab All Sections on Alert or Sense it. Control the death star sites and drain on Yavin or any sites he provides you with. Load Luke and Han onto a ship and send them up to take out some Destroyers. Priority one is controlling the death star and killing the gunners then worry about flipping.

Ops -You don’t see Dark Ops very often anymore. Get Battle Plan quick and rescue Leia. Use the tank to minimize any battle damage and drain with Prisoner Leia. SAC will hurt him immensly. Death Star Plans to beat him in the long run.

ROPS -With Obi Wan Kenobi, 3 Senses, Romas Lock Navander, 2 Under Attack, and a Mechanical Failure…no vehicles will be giving you any sort of trouble. KIll the character with the EPP weapons and flip back his objective with Tantive or FLy Casual +another ship. He won’t be able to spread out as well because of the inablility to react.

Court -This deck eats Court alive. This deck’s destiny is so high that I can target most any character at any time and be confident I’ll hit them. KIll kill kill. Easy win. Mop up w/ Death Star Plans. SAC’s a killer.

ISB -2 Double Agents and lots o’ vehicle killers. Retrieve w/ Plans and battle him out of characters. SAC for anything anything important.

Thanks for reading this. Try it out. It’s a very strong deck.