Quick ISB

Title: Quick ISB
Author: Emil "Darth Brynge" Wallin
Date: Oct 6, 1999 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations(13) Cloud City East Platform Coruscant x2 Death Star Docking Bay Hoth Echo Docking Bay Forest Kessel Spaceport Docking Bay x2 Swamp Tatooine Docking Bay 94 Yavin 4 Yavin 4 Docking Bay

Characters(20) 5D6-RA-7 Admiral Ozzel Chall Bekan Chyler Colonel Wullf Yularen Corporal Oberk Corporal Vandolay Darth Vader w Lightsaber Lieutenant Renz Lt. Pol Treidum Navy Trooper Vesden Officer Evax Outer Rim Scouts x3 Probe Droid Sergeant Tarl Sergeant Torent Snowtrooper Officer x2

Starships(4) Avenger Bossk In Hounds Tooth Death Squadron Star Destroyer Executor

Interrupts(17) Combat Readiness Evader x2 Ghhhk x5 Limited Resources Masterful Move Monnok Scanning Crew x3 Shocking Revelation TwiLek Advisor x2

Effects(5) Imperial Arrest Order Secret Plans Security Precautions Sunsdown There Is No Try

Objective ISB Operations / Empires Sinister Agents ‘

Strategy: ‘

Begin w Imperial Arrest Order. Deploy ISBs everywhere. Play 5D6 at the opponents main planet. Anti-revolution would be Evaders and spies to the site where Oola is hidden. Yavin 4 and sunsdown is included if the opponent ignores you activation. Since you deploy en masse in the beginning, often without ability, five Ghhhks are included, and a combat readiness (maybe two?). With luck and fast play, your drain should outnumber the opponents quickly. Screws takes care of any eventual EPP-character (preferrably Han). Against space decks, you just deploy docking bays, and spies to subtract one from opponents drains at related locations. The deck has one problem w monnok, many ghhks, but otherwise, monnok should not be a problem.’