EBO - Baragwin

Title: EBO - Baragwin
Author: David "dawi" Akers
Date: Jun 19, 2000 Rating: 4.5



’ Locations (9)



Hoth Echo Command Center (War Room)

Hoth Echo Corridor

Hoth Echo Docking Bay

Hoth Main Power Generators

Hoth North Ridge



Characters (19)

Baragwin x4


Captain Han Solo x2

Commander Evram Lajaie

Figrin D’an

Ishi Tib x3

Leia With Blaster Rifle x2

Luke Skywalker

Luke With Lightsaber

Obi-Wan With Lightsaber x2


Starships (6)

Artoo-Detoo In Red 5 x2

Millennium Falcon x2


Tantive IV

Interrupts (13)

Hyper Escape

I Know x2

Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes x3

On The Edge x2

Out Of Nowhere

Surprise Assault x2

The Signal x2

Effects (4)

A New Secret Base

Do, Or Do Not

Echo Base Operations

The Planet That It’s Farthest From

Weapons (6)

Ewok Catapult x2

Intruder Missile x2

X-wing Laser Cannon x2

Devices (3)

Bionic Hand x2

Landing Claw

Strategy: ‘

Responses from Reviews

Enough with the CHYBC already if it becomes a problem Drop the tantive or spiral and shuttle up all your characters fron the echo sites. you should have between 20-35 forfiet from them all and can easily hang in space with red 5 or the falcon as an escort. You will not have to worry about CHYBC. If you still feel weak add in Haven for the Out of Nowhere. Don’t take out Kessel it always comes down thanks to the quick deck cycling of the Ishi Tibs.

You don’t need more than three systems, heck you don’t really need to drain at more than 1/2 systems probably. Since it’s a drain of 5 or 3 or 4 your tight.

Against Huntdown

Your leia must sit in your hand or reserve and wait for the battle to be initiated against you. It’s like this you drop Bosheck in R5 at hoth and when he comes up to battle him you react with Han falcon from Kessel, play I know, draw your three destinies and forfiet leia for whatever attrition/damamge you have. Or if you wan’t load them both at Kessel and react with spiral and leah there, do you really need more than a drain of 5 or even two with all this retrieval?

Visage The whole point of this deck is to ignore stupid effect damage like S&D and Visage by using the baragwins to deal with these every turn. You don’t need to cancel visage because it’s only 1 per turn and baragwins are good at dealing with little pings like this. Heck to get the destiny tracking to work right you must assume you will lose between 3-4 per turn.

CHYBC Does Jack since you can occupy two battlegrounds quick.

Secret Plans slows you down at first but look at the decklist decklist again, once you get set up you need very little force for anything else. spending 2 two retrieve 1 is easy and wont effect your destiny stacking once you calculate it in.

———-End Review Responses

OK first this deck has more tech than the beginning player can handle so please, if you are new, don’t build this deck and take it to a tournament and suck it up. Go play something else.

For those who can track 5 destines deep and have a real grasp of planing your moves out a few turns in advance this deck should give you mad control over every DS deck out there.

First If you play this deck DO NOT take out the Ishi Tibs they are what make this deck work like a machine. Without them you have to worry about manipulators and monnoks and wont get the baragwins to work as well.

First thing is getting use to the new effect A new Secret Base. It will take a few tries to remember getting your stuff out before you activate. Pull your cards and place them in your hand face down. Shuffle cut and then activate. You never have to worry about getting the echo stuff out exactly the way you want this way. Just don’t be lame and deploy your sites etc before you activate.

Second thing always go for a Ishi tib first unless your playing against Huntdown then go for a Baragwin. OK first turn fetch the war room and another site and drop them with an ish Tib or whatever deploy 2 character you got. draw up a few you will always be able to set up ebo on the second turn. Hopefully you have a few Ishi Tibs down if not get them down ASAP. Use them to pull your space combos together. Pull your systems and set up a falcon with Han/leia on Kessel. (Against Huntdown use Bo-sheck instead of leia but leave room to deploy her with I know if things get dicey.

Against Hunt Down leave Luke/obi/leia out and work the space with han/Bosheck and leia ready in case of an attack with I know.

Drain and dominate space with the Han Leia combo. Basically just Luke at Hoth in R5 with the x-wing cannon and if they battle him react with falcon using Evrams game text. If they try to come up to space with a SD zip over with the falcon and LC it. When your ready detach and let them see what 3 tracked 7 means to the Imperial Navy.

Speaking of 7 there are 8 in the deck and there are 13 5’s Make use of Obi with Saber and the surprise assaults. Tracking the destinies are easy once you get the baragwin retrieval tech working (more on that later). Ok don’t be afraid to but obi down by himself against a walker with a 2/2 pilot. You will wipe them out and take no damage it’s beautiful. If they can get Imperial decree working on Hoth you suck and need to play something else. You can move around and they can’t reinforce under the shield. If you need to land Luke to keep imperial decree from working. Better to have one good drain than 2 lame ones.

OK more on High destinies, Use I Know and Out of nowhere to demolish any space. Hyper escape to Kiffex from Kessel and they won’t be able to follow you.

Use TPTIFF to Counter Ops or cancel Drain bonuses on Hoth if the poor guy is silly to come under the shield with lightsabers.

OK Most important Retrieval a few force each turn with Baragwins and Figrin. set up your 7’s for On the edges.

Quick baragwin tech - in case you have never played them before. For each top level action your opponent gets you get one as well. Example He drains you for 1. Your response to his action is to loose a force, for argument sake you throw out a laser cannon. you get next action, spend 1 to retrieve the laser cannon. He drains you again this time for 2 you through out a Intruder missile from hand and then throw the Laser cannon from the top of your used pile back on the lost pile. Your action you retrieve the laser cannon again. One more drain of 1 and you loose and retrieve the same laser cannon. So just to recap he drained you 1,2,1 and you now have retrieved 3 of that. You loose to visage by throwing out the laser cannon again (for the 4th time this turn)

Your turn you Activate retrieve the top card Laser Cannon and play your turn as normal then just before your turn ends you retrieve the intruder missile and throw it out again for visage. ETC. So after Visage for 2 and drains for 4 you still have only lost one card. Ok enough baragwins 101 if you start playing them you will find your own style of tracking retrieval that works for you. Lets just say that using them in combo with Ish Tibs and Figrin Dan can get you back 30-40 cards a game. The OTE are in there to get back any cards that get stuck under the devices/weapons.

OK about tracking 5 destines deep let me explain. There will be times where you will need to stack multiple destinies deep. Let me give you a scenario. You want to do the following on one turn

Retrieve with Figrin, Retrieve with OTE, Battle with Obi and Luke and swing sabers and draw a high destiny. That means you need to stack your destines 9 deep 3 for figrin, 1 for OTE, 2 per saber and 1 for battle destiny. If your new at tracking destinies you should just stick to tracking up to a 7 and playing OTE, for the most part figrin will out draw everything. and the sabers will hit everyone.

The only thing you might need to do is do what I call using the Oreo stacking technique. Oreo stacked destines are solid High (7) at the top and bottom and have cream in the middle (4-7 but your not sure). To accomplish this you need to stack a 7 on the bottom of your deck and one in the middle and then activate up to the middle point. Stacking on the bottom is easy via the Ishi Tibs (go read the card) Stacking on the Middle is easy via the Baragwins (just retrieve the 7 you threw out the turn before) getting the right amount of cream between them both is easy if you know what your doing. This is how. After activating during your control phase figure out how many destines you need to fill the cream layer. In the case above we needed 7. 3 for figrin and 4 for lightsabers. I play figrin for 1 I deploy Ishi tib for 2, I move 3 barawins/chumps around for 3 and I retrieve the top layer of my Oreo stack for 1 for a total of 7. I the cycle the 7 down under the stack to complete the Oreo stack and count the cards in my reserve deck to keep track of my middle point.

OK enough with the destiny crap already go play the deck for yourself, learn your own stacking techniques.

Everything in this deck has a reason, so if your not sure what it does then don’t rate this deck low. Wait for a while and come back after some good players had a chance to look at it and maybe you will figure it out.

Props to TJ for the Evram tech he replaced a Hyper escape and makes it easy to flip ebo quick.

Cards that have been in and out. Battle Order, Order to Engage, and Nabrum Lieds

Customize to fit but don’t take out the Ishi Tibs