So you want to come to Ralltiir do you

Title: So you want to come to Ralltiir do you
Author: Michael "Yoda's Son" Adams
Date: Jun 20, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (4) Ralltiir Operations/In The Hands Of The Empire Ralltiir Twilek Advisor Biker Scout Gear

Locations (5) Forest Spaceport City Spaceport Docking Bay Spaceport Prefect’s Office Spaceport Street

Characters (19) Biker Scout Trooper x9 Boba Fett w/blaster rifle Captain Piett Darth Vader w/lightsaber Dengar w/blaster carbine General Tagge General Veers Grand Moff Tarkin Imperial Squad Leader Lieutenant Grond Mara Jade, The Emperors Hand

Vehicles (11) Speeder Bike x8 Tempest Scout x3

Starships (2) Devastator Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Interrupts (10) Abyssin Ornament Accelerate x3 Alter Dark Jedi Presence Elis Helrot Go For Help High-speed Tactics Imperial Barrier Sneak Attack

Effects (3) Imperial Decree Reactor Terminal Resistance

Weapons (5) Disruptor Pistol Mara Jades Lightsaber Speeder Bike Cannon x3 ‘

Strategy: ‘

The key to this deck is speed. Getting characters with vehicles out quickly. The Scout Gear as a starting, keeps you safe from Scramble. Basically you want to dare them to come to you. If they do come, then you have plenty of weapons to help even up the odds against the mains. If they are playing space, then youre probably going to be hurting, but with your objectives adder and the two ships, you should be able to hold down Ralltiir at least. Make sure to keep extra force handy to react bigtime if they do come down. This is basically just an idea deck and not what I play. I play a Court deck in tournaments, but have been thinking of switching. Thanks for your input ‘