EBOEveryone But Obi

Title: EBOEveryone But Obi
Author: David "Mandalor2000" Sidhu
Date: Jun 20, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting4 A new Secret Base The Signal 1st MArker 4th MArker

Charachters10 Captain Han Solo Hobbie Boshek Princess Organa Zev Figrin D’an Lieutenant Tarn Mison Commander Wedge Antilles Chewbacca Comander Luke

Ships19 Lando in Falcon Gold Squad Y-Wing x2 Coreelian Corvettex6 Spiral Y-Wing x3 Tantive IV Trderium Medium Bulk Freighter x2 Redemption Artoo in Red 5

Effects8 Haven Goo Nee Tay Docking and Repairs Traffic Control Kessel Run Echo Base Garrison EBO Reflection

Interupts8 Full Throtle The Signal x3 IT Could Be Worse x3 Darklighter Spin

Sites11 Hoth Kiffex Rendevouz Point Tatooine Yavin 4 Coruscant Kessel Echo Comman Center Echo Corridor Echo Med Lab Echo Docking Bay’

Strategy: ‘

Okay ladies ang Gentlemen, first proirity is to get EBO dropped. Pull the necersairy sites (try to stay away from the docking bay ‘cause they’ll come invading), echo garrison, EBo and the rouge pilots(with E Garrison). Drop one rouge pilot at each echo site to get EBO out fast. Once this is done pull the pilots into the avaialable shps (thats why the Y-Wings are there).

Once this is done go into space. You can pull the needed systems with ANSB and put a reasonable space force at each. Remember EBO gives you a bonous. Even if you only get to three systems you’ll still be draining for 9-14. Try to get to more though.

Now IF they cancel your modifiers get as many systems down as possible and drain at each for still a reasonable amount. If they come to Hoth you have a reasonable force (every main but Obi-Wan -) to stop them from about one or two sites.

If you do not need the ground force I made sure each adds 2 or three to power, unless they are in for a different reason (eg.Figrin D’an or Princess Organa) so they’ll help out in space.

Now for those ards that give you the extra…UMPH. Use Da Princess to pull Reflection for retrieval. It could be Worse will stop some of those ground drains. Use the Signals to get out some of those key effects such as Goo Nee TAy or Haven. Try to Kessel Run as much as possible.

The Effects… Deploy Haven to Rendevouz points so Corvettes deploy Free there. Goo Nee Tay to either slow down their ground drains or their invasion fo Hoth. Docking and Repairs Facility Will help your ships come back if defeated.

Possible ways to take this deck… Add a Mon Mothma to subtract from their Drains. A restricted Deployment to slow ‘em down. Maybe add some more Hoth sites, T-47s and t-47 Battle Formation. Moght wanna go with X-Wings and Organized Attacks.

Against the Decks HDADTJAdd a transmission Terminated to delete those fast drains from Visage that might place some of those key effects in the lost pile early. If they are hunting down don’t give ‘em anything to hunt down against ROPSInperial Decree Will Hurt. Should use all of your ground force to cancel it. TDIGWATTGo to Besipn and C City (with ships) so they can’t get occupation or Dark Deal out. Set Your Course for AldyBattle ‘em in spac eso they can’t utilize the drain bonouses.

May da farce be wit y’all ‘