Dr Evil s Death Star with deadly

Title: Dr Evil s Death Star with deadly
Author: Justin "H2O" Desai
Date: Jun 20, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Start(6) SYCFA Twilek death Star Db 327 alderan battle plan

locations(7) Back door endor dark forest 3rd marker kasyyyk coruscant death star war room

Characters(17) Darth vader 2x Dark Lord 2x lady with purple stick(mara) Iggy with metal stick 4 lom with stick dengar with two sticks GMT with no stick(go figure) Igar jabba the hutt Dr. E(vil) ozel u-3po Bane malar Evax lt cabel

weapons(3) 2x vader’s saber mara’s saber

vehicles(3) Tempist 1 TS3 Blizzard 2

Effects(8) oppresive search and destroy resistance decree s. precations 2x they’ll be hell to pay CHYBC

Interupts(7) 2x Twilek m.move ghhhk monnok shut him up or shut him down you are beaten

Starships(9) Executor Bossk in bus zuckuss in bathtub Fett in taxi cab 3x dreadnauts vader’s shuttle avenger’

Strategy: ‘

This deck is a machine. Basically it’s just regular Ds mains and toys. Heres why it’s so good, starting with Battle plan mean sthat whoever battles best will most likely win the game. and as you can see thi sdeck is obviously really good in a battle. It has space power and land power. It has space drains and land drains. Of course it has anti revo(the obj) and anti cheese(chybc and resistance).b Theres really no way this deck can be beat. Only a very good/lucky player can beat it. SAC can be a problem but you have 2x twilek and oppresive, jsut get it out early nd let your grabbers do the work. Against any type of mains deck just battle them out. Against opps get decree out early and drain in space. Against EBO just control two systems and set up decree. Sorry the stratagy section isn’t that long but the deck is pretty much self explanitory…any questions email me…’