Scout/Ewok Drain

Title: Scout/Ewok Drain
Author: Jodo "Jodo Kast17" Kast
Date: Jun 23, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (10) Clouds x3 Endor Endor Back Door Endor Chief Chirpa’s Hut Endor Dense Forest Endor Ewok Village Endor Hidden Forest Trail Jabba’s Palace Audence Chamber

Characters (26) Boshek Boushh Chewbacca of Kashyyk Commander Wedge Antilles Corporal Beezer Corporal Janse Corporal Kensaric Daughter of Skywalker Ewok Sentry x3 General Solo Ithorian x3 Kazak Kabyc Lieutenant Page Lumat Master Luke Momaw Nadon Orrimaarko Sergeant Bruckman Sergeant Junkin Tibanna Gas Miner Tessek Wuta

Starships/Vehicles (11) Cloud Car x5 Lando in Falcon Redmeption Red Squadron X-Wing Tantive IV X-Wing Z-95 Bespin Defense Fighter

Interrupts (3) Slight Weapons Malfunction The Signal x2

Effects (6) Bo Shuda Insurrection Manuevering Flaps Reflection Uh-Oh Ultimatum

Weapons (4) Anakin’s Stick Chewbacca’s Bowcaster Ewok Catapult X-Wing Laser Cannons’

Strategy: ‘

This deck is very straight forward in its intent.  It uses the scouts from Endor set to set up a powerful protection unit.	I then use Ithorians to add force icons and ewoks to drain.  Kazak and Tessek give a bonus of 2 anywhere i have ewoks.	I toss in the clouds to add more drain bonuses.
I usually start with the Audience Chamber and Uh-Oh  I can pull out Bo Shuda the first turn and keep tessek and mamow nadon safe while giving thier bonuses.  With Tessek down most my ewoks deploy for 0, and add drains.  The Endor system should be safe with my starfighters, all of which can be transferred from either clouds or space as i wish.  Only Tantive IV and Redemption can't go back and forth.  Manuevering flaps can be activated each turn to make the cloud cars very dangerous.  The X-Wing cannons are tossed in to get rid of those annoying bounty hunter ships.  Zuckuss can be killed instantly without much trouble when fighting an armed X-Wing.
This deck can be set up and made fully functional within several turns of the start of the game.  There are plenty of characters to get set up immedietally.  The mains should be able to ward off any serious attack, while the numbers of the rest should get rid of anything left.  The added forfiet bonus of insurrection makes the non-main scouts able to cover almost any damage.  All will have forfiet 5+  This deck should be able to hold off most any deck that comes against it.'