Sceeziak - Beatdown

Title: Sceeziak - Beatdown
Author: Matt "kjerg" Baker
Date: Jun 24, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (10) Alderaan Cloud City Downtown Plaza Death Star Death Star Docking Bay 327 Death Star War Room Endor Back Door Endor Dark Forest Endor Forest Clearing Executor Meditation Chamber Tatooine Cantina

Characters (13) 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle Brangus Glee Commander Igar Darth Vader x2 Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith Djas Puhr Grand Moff Tarkin IG-88 With Riot Gun Jabba the Hutt Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2

Vehicles (2) Blizzard 2 Tempest 1

Starships (6) Avenger Bossk In Hounds Tooth Dengar In Punishing One Executor Vader’s Personal Shuttle Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Interrupts (16) Alter x4 Dark Maneuvers Masterful Move Sense x5 Shocking Revelation Surface Defense Twi’lek Advisor x2 You Are Beaten

Effects (10) Come Here You Big Coward Imperial Arrest Order Imperial Decree Oppressive Enforcement Presence Of The Force Resistance Search And Destroy Secret Plans There’ll Be Hell To Pay x2

Weapons (2) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber Vader’s Lightsaber ‘

Strategy: ‘

IN RESPONSE TO REVIEWS I do have a Shocking Revelation in there, usually what I do is look for it for the first couple of turns w/ Secret Plans to see what’s in my force pile and then start tracking it. And you never know when you’ll see an Oola or a Perimeter Scan (it’s been done). There are also other easy-to-track recyclers in there too. The low destinies help with that SA.

I think this would have trouble w/ mains, but a lot of mains decks rely on Bacta Tank, Savrip, Clash, destiny adders, and other effects and interrupts that are vulnerable to Sense and Alter. With 6 and 5 respectively, Oppressive, and 2 Grabbers, I’ll probably win most SA wars. I suppose I could add duplicates of some of the characters to keep ‘em coming back for more (4-LOM and Iggy come to mind). Usually one can smell a big beatdown and prepare for it, then counter attack.

Oops I forgot one card, it is pretty obvious what it is Set Your Course For Alderaan/The Ultimate Power In The Universe

This deck just rolls the competition. Mostly I would start with Resistance and Secret Plans. Don’t forget to use Surface Defense again with a saber or Iggy’s gun or whatever. I would start Imperial Decree against Ops though.

Okay this deck is like John Lolli’s regional winner but I made it before he posted his and mine has SAC anyway.

The locations are obvious drain for two and give you two, with the locations you start with and these you should always have plenty of force. Revo is dead from the start so don’t worry about that.

The characters are all beefy if you set up the right combos and track destinies then you can easily clear sites with attrition alone.

The walkers are given, the ships I think are all worth it. Do not tell me to take out Vader’s Personal Shuttle. It’s awesome and if you disagree go read it. The Executor is a tank. I might take out the Avenger for something else, originally Captain Needa was in here, but he’s not anymore, yeah change the Avenger to Devastator.

You Are Beaten is necessary with all the UFs in my area, oh and it’s one of the best cards in the game. Everything else is self explanatory. Just drain and beat. ‘