Big Blue ISB

Title: Big Blue ISB
Author: Jodo "Jodo Kast17" Kast
Date: Jun 24, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (11) Coruscant Kashyyk Yavin 4 Endor Cantina Back Door Forest Clearing Docking Bay 94 Endor Landing Platform Jundland Wastes Coruscant DB

Starships (10) Vengeance Bossk in Bus Executor Vader’s Shuttle Avenger Tyrant Thunderflare Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Fett in Slave 1 Dengar in Punishing One

Vehicles (3) Blizzard 2 Tempest 1 Blizzard Walker

Characters (15) 5D6 Outer Rim Scout Probe Droid Corporal Oberk Officer Evax GM Tarkin Darth Vader w Stick Lt Pol Treidum Col Wullf Yularen U-3PO DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-16-4 Captain Needa Mara Jade

Weapons (1) Mara Jade’s Stick

Interrupts (8) Twi’lek Advisor x2 Monnok x2 Evader Scanning Crew x3

Effects (11) Resistance There is No Try First Strike Sec Precautions Imperial Decree Undercover There’ll Be Hell to Pay Lateral Damage Come Here You Big Coward Imperial Arrest Order Reactor Terminal

Objective ISB’

Strategy: ‘

I start this deck with Coruscant and The Signal and I usually pull out Imperial Arrest Order. I can then pull out Coruscant DB and the rest of the docking bays so that i can reach my opponent whereever they are. It also makes most of the ISB agents forfiet +2. I try to get a hold of the 2-2 sites as soon as possible with my walkers or vader and tarkin. I then hold the site for the rest of the game if possible. I can choose either tatooine or endor, depending on the opponent’s moves. Resistance keeps numbers decks at bay, while secutiy precautions can be pulled at the beginning to go agaisnt Hidden Base. Use the starships to quickly take complete control of space and enjoy the drains.’