Nothing Like The Sun

Title: Nothing Like The Sun
Author: Blake "Zurai" Senn
Date: Jun 25, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (6) SYCFA Death Star D Docking Bay Alderaan Advisor Oppressive Enforcement

Locations (7) D War Room Coruscant Imperial Square Hoth Ice Plains Hoth Defensive Perimeter Cloud City Downtown Plaza Kashyyyk Coruscant

Characters 16) Darth Vader DVDLOTS x2 Tarkin x2 Mara Jade Dr. E Dengar w/gun Djas Puhr Bane Malar Brangus Glee Boba Fett w/gun 4-LOM w/gun IG-88 w/gun DS-61-3 U-3PO

Vehicles/Starships (6) Blizzard 2 Blizzard Scout 1 Tempest Scout 4 Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Bossk in Bus Devestator

Weapons (3) Vader’s Saber x2 Mara’s Saber

Effects (4) Reactor Terminal Disarmed x2 There’ll Be Hell To Pay

Interrupts (18) Sense x5 Alter x3 Twi’Lek Advisor x2 Elis x2 Masterful Move x2 Trample Imperial Supply x3’

Strategy: ‘

This deck is designed to somewhat mirror a LS Throne Room Mains deck (minus Revo’s of course). Good starting activation, doesn’t give up much in the way of force, and lots of twix sites (would be more, but I can’t find my meditation chamber or either cave). A strong complement of characters gives plenty of ground power, and Elis provides mobility. Weak space presence, but if used at the right time it can still hurt. This deck doesn’t drain for much (just like TRM), so Battle Plan won’t hurt it badly. Lots of Senses and Alters, backed up by Op Enforcement and a grabber, should spell doom to any abusable interrupt or effect. The Imperial Supplies provide surprise activation at the cost of a couple lost force of your choice, and can really help out a lot if you are having trouble finding your sites. I’m not sure how well it will go against an EBO, and I’m thinking of adding in a Decree just for them. Other common matchups

vs. TRM battle of the mains If they aren’t using SAC, you should have the upper hand. Try not to make the first move, and if you do, just deploy a force to the D*, trying to fake the LS into starting a pointless battle there (no damage for you). If you do that, gang up on them next turn. If not, just keep deploying until you have a good-sized force, then Elis them to a drain site (preferably the weapon destiny +1 Defensive Perimeter) and drain them until they come after you.

vs. Hidden Base They have a major advantage here, and I don’t know if this deck can beat a non-ground Hidden Base. You only have 4 locations you can drain at, and 2 of those are systems. Best thing to hope for is to stock up your fleet and start probing.

vs. Profit Start Mara and Dr. E. Yeah, I know, most people don’t start anyone vs. Profit, but if reinforce with Vader or anyone else early, you’ll be able to keep them from freeing Han until it’s too late. Sense any SWLY that Leia uses to free han. Drain at their sites with walkers.’