Set Your Course For Wakeelmui

Title: Set Your Course For Wakeelmui
Author: Peter "martian" Hall
Date: Jun 30, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Start - 6 SYCFA D Alderaan DB T’wilek Oppressive Enforcement

Locations - 9 Big One D War Room Endor Kashyyyk x2 Kiffex Tatooine Wakeelmui x2

Characters - 4 Darth w/ Saber IG-88 w/ Gun DS-61-2 x2

Ships - 15 Dreadnaught x3 Black 2 x2 Black Squad TIE x3 Obsidian Squad TIE x2 TIE Fighter x2 TIE Assault Squad x2 Vengeance

Effects - 9 A Bright Center to the Universe Come Here You Big Coward Dread Imperial Starfleet Lateral Damage Pride of the Empire Reactor Terminal Return to Base SFS TBHTP x2

Interrupts - 15 APTW x5 ATWYS Dark Maneuvers Put All Sections On Alert Tallon Roll x4 Tarkin’s Orders x2 Twi’lek x2’

Strategy: ‘

TIE decks have been popular (and with good reason) since the release of SE. SYCFA supplies Revo protection and a force base to get the retrieval going.

There are only 15 ships (and only nine TIEs, not counting squadrons) in the deck, but that should be plenty. All Power to Weapons brings them out quickly, and few if any will reach the lost pile.

Vader and IG-88 can be used to clear weakly defended ground sites. You take no BD on D*, so throw ‘em down and battle if you know you can retrieve them next turn.

Here’s how to play it versus the LS favorites

EBO - You might eat a few drains early, but once SFS is up and running, the losses should be recovered. Tallon Roll should give you the edge vs. X-Wings or the SuperFalcon(tm).

Profit/Mains beatdown - Track ATWYS and Tarkin’s Orders to cancel the ground drains. Again, Tallon Roll should take care of the Falcon or Red/Gold Leader. Lateral Damage will help if they load up on a Capital Ship.

Ops - Not very popular anymore, but shouldn’t be that difficult. It should be easy to win the drain race. Tallon Roll any potential claw-bearing ships.

There are plenty of cards which would fit nicely into this deck, but I can’t make room. First Strike, more drain cancellers, more Tallon Rolls, Direct Damage cards, another SFS. I could go on… But this setup allows the deck to compete with space decks and keep up with ground drains. LMK what you think…’